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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:41:16 Edit(编辑)
Jingdong internal letter confirms partnership with Wal-Mart, bought 1th, shop,

Jingdong internal letter confirms partnership with Wal-Mart, bought 1th, shop,(京东发内部信证实同沃尔玛达成合作,收购1号店,)



Jingdong internal letter confirmed that cooperation with the Wal-Mart acquisition, 1th Dian Jing dong, 1th, shop, Wal-Mart-IT information

IT information news on June 21, Jingdong late yesterday issued an internal letter, announced deep strategic cooperation and Wal-Mart.

As part of the agreement, Wal-Mart will receive Jingdong newly issued 144,952,250 shares of class a common stock, will have a 1th Beijing East, mainly assets, including "1th store" brand, website, APP. "1th, shop" also will keep its brand name and market positioning; "mountain Sam members store" will in Beijing East platform Shang opened official flagship shop; Beijing East and Wal-Mart will in supply chain end expand cooperation; Wal-Mart in China of entity stores will access Beijing East Group investment of all package logistics platform "up up" and O2O electric business platform "Beijing East home", and became its focus cooperation partners.

Affected by this news, the evening of June 20, Beijing time, Jingdong shares surged in early trading, as Beijing 21st 12:33, its share price rose 1.7 cents to $ 21.83, up 8.45%.

Jingdong internal letter:

京东发内部信证实同沃尔玛达成合作,收购1号店 - 京东,1号店,沃尔玛 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月21日消息,昨天晚间京东发出内部信,宣布和沃尔玛达成深度战略合作。




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