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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:40:36 Edit(编辑)
Coins a month jump 80.3%, 90% investors “go play“

Coins a month jump 80.3%, 90% investors “go play“(比特币一个月暴涨80.3%,九成投资者“炒一笔就走”,)



Coins a month jump 80.3%, 90% investors "go play"-coins-IT information

"Or that taste! "Crazy coins is back! According to the largest currency trading platform fire money network provides information, bitcoin prices spiked to 5179 yesterday, rose to a 28-month high. Reporter statistics found that coins prices this week reached 18.9%, up 80.3% 30 days so far this year are up 120.3%! But behind the crazy data is that many investors "go play" mentality, experts advise, coins at home and is currently in the regulatory space, recommended investors not to rush into.

Currency soared in price

"Wake up, hundreds of more account. "Currency players Wang Lin (not his real name) told reporters. Recently Wang Lin in a good mood, although nothing on the a-share gains on the coins got a lot of surprises, "late May enter the jump mode, I was around a lot of people playing this. ”

Fire money network data shows that coins prices spiked to 5179 yesterday, rose to a 28-month high, last 30 days, the currency has risen as high as 80.3%. Reporters found, in 2013, the currency rise, currency prices once more than 8000 Yuan. But as the market stabilized, and the central banks of coins to give out their attitude, currency price is way down, in January last year even dropped to 933 Yuan. This year, the domestic player's passion was ignited again, as of yesterday, compared to last January, the minimum price of 900 Yuan, bitcoins gain at 475%. Lin said, "is the taste! Those days we felt before returned to boom, the currency prices to fly one more! ”

Fire analysis of currency network co-founder Du Jun, told reporters, bitcoin latest wave of soaring prices, also was caused by coins production halved next month, "supply and demand changes, resulting in currency rises. In addition, the past year digital currency and coins behind the block chain technology has been widely recognized in the world, States also have coins for legislative supervision, bitcoin development of a better social environment, there is less boom in the financial markets this year, funds are looking for a new export. ”

"Go play"

Rocket-like rise in currency prices, smelling the smell of money investors, pouring all kinds of platforms. "The last month, our registered user jumped 5 times, volume is growing at a rate of more than 3 times, the current user is close to 2 million people. "According to the Du Jun to reporters nearly a month, more than 63% users by investing in stocks, precious metals, foreign exchange and other investment products, turned to coins, eight user optimistic about the rest of the market. However, he said, "90% clients are holding ' fried ' attitude, buy low, sell high profit, real good coins and currency as safe haven buying only 13% users, they are some of the older players, in 2012, 2013 are already concerned about the coins and hold. ”

Du Jun believes that production cut in half before the message has not been digested by the market, currency prices "continued volatility for some time", but does not rule out there had collapsed. "Currently China area bit currency volume has occupy has global total volume of 80% above, but national on bit currency of attitude no occurred nature changes, bit currency in domestic also is in regulatory of blank regional, not support, not determine factors many, follow Chase high buy is most dangerous of, bit currency rose have fast, fell have also fast, investors should caution select, note wealth in the of assets configuration. ”

比特币一个月暴涨80.3%,九成投资者“炒一笔就走” - 比特币 - IT资讯









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