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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:57:38 Edit(编辑)
Zhengzhou technology markets burst fire: the value of millions of electronic devices were destroyed,

Zhengzhou technology markets burst fire: the value of millions of electronic devices were destroyed,(郑州科技市场突发大火:价值千万电子设备被毁,)



Zhengzhou technology markets burst fire: the value of millions of electronic devices have been destroyed-it market, computers, fire-IT information

June 18, Dongfeng road near a commercial building fire emergency in the technology market, and the flames spreading from the first floor to the third floor, hundreds of residents trapped in the smoke is building, Zhengzhou take measures to control the fire immediately after the fire alarm, and security personnel inside the building all rescued. At 1 o'clock in the morning, near Broadway road 8th, in the technology of a seven-storey commercial buildings caught fire, and smoke with the fire spread upwards very quickly, residents find behind the dangerous escape call 119 for help.

Zhengzhou fire three fire fighting team rushed to the scene for rescue, and soon dock in front of Broadway for 15 fire trucks, fire fighters after the burning building, internal, immediate access to the scene to fight the blaze.

"Fire on the first floor, third floor, working in and out boxes every day, must have a computer host. "A woman who escaped from the burning business floor, first and second floor were used as warehouses, internal storage of a large number of computers and other items, fire spread and will bring great losses.

Half an hour later, on the first floor of the fire was under control, but in the corridors inside the building of smoke have not dissipated, firefighters began evacuating those trapped, there have been elderly, women and children being mixed down, some personnel are being sent directly to the ambulance checked.

Henan province coal field hospital emergency personnel found with the family of a boy who was taken to an ambulance shirt wet, looking for clothing for boys immediately replaced, then a pregnant woman was helped into the ambulance.

A doctor said they had received four injured people, maternal vital signs are stable, others are treated for minor bruises, a few people are choked by smoke, were not life-threatening.

The sudden fire early this morning, panic set in for many people living in the building, a few people even coat and shoes had a chance to wear, they ventured through the smoke ran downstairs, Dongfeng road sits at the baby in her arms the elderly and hand-holding couple of safe-haven.

"Smoking is particularly large, awake at that time, the door of the House was smoke, open Windows have also been choked. "A middle-aged woman says shops on fire ignited on the first floor, second floor, warehouse, smoke does not diffuse out of the window, her bare feet from the six floor fled in a hurry.

When reporters into the fire on the second floor, found the floor hallway is full of water, in a warehouse on the ground all over the plastic debris, shop owners said more than 10 million yuan in stocks was fire to destroy the flood first, many had been damaged.

At noon, the reporter from Zhengzhou, fire brigade found, the fire caused no casualties, district fire brigade currently still investigating the cause of the fire,-related losses are tallied.

郑州科技市场突发大火:价值千万电子设备被毁 - 科技市场,电脑主机,火灾 - IT资讯











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