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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:56:40 Edit(编辑)
Figure beauty drama praise, Japan animation how to make money? ,

Figure beauty drama praise, Japan animation how to make money? ,(人物美剧情赞,日本动画究竟怎么赚钱?,)



Figure beauty drama praise, Japan animation how to make money? -Anime, Japan animation, the second element-IT information

Japan animation industry has a phenomenon is actual do animation of animation making company often through animation making got of money not more, animation making company more like is to animation making Committee working of horse Tsai, minority of animation making company for example Kyoto animation can ensure himself in making Committee among has larger of split discourse right, but most of animation making company also is lack discourse right of, and specifically engaged in had animation industry making commercial advertising agent of Kameyama Theve recently details has Japan animation of commercial mode, Proposed Japan animation production company is not earning much, Japan animation industry's biggest problem is how to translate popularity into higher income in overseas markets.

According to Japan animation industry report 2015 of content, in 2014 Japan animation making company all total sales is 184.7 billion yen (11.7 billion yuan around), this pen money seems many but actually is also not more because in 2014 Japan animation industry of total sales is 1 trillion 629.7 billion yen, in Japan animation overall 1.6 trillion billion of commercial scale in the, animation making of sales is income like bucket .

Actual animation is an animation production company, but the troops did not move and fodder, animation you have to have money, in Japan of animations in the animation industry funded can be divided into two kinds, for animation and night animation

To the animation for the funding formula

X52 = 1, then 10 million yen production costs 520 million yen

25 million yen/month cost for TV broadcast schedule x12 = 300 million yen

Total funding = 820 million yen

Night animation funding formula

1 x13 = 20 million yen production costs 260 million yen

Broadcasting fee + expenses on publicizing the 40 million yen

Total capital: 300 million yen

Whether for animation or late night anime requires a huge amount of financial support that the mode of financing is made, Committee member of the investment in Exchange for concessions for his work in the late, such as toy companies to invest in animation is running around for late hand made, record companies invest in animation are to later CD money.

Making the model of the Council is to risk sharing revenue and made small companies can be involved in the animation industry, but is a lot less investment and less. For example, animation merchandise licensing fees, 1/3 belongs to the original author, 1/3 television animation production company or advertising agency, 1/3. And now the animation people raised by all the preparatory works to raise funds and of good quality, but Japan animation fabricated chip is more of a marketing ploy.

In recent years, Japan animation is also actively attract Japan outside of companies to invest, including China, other Asian countries and United States multinationals have actively joined the Japan animation. In the 90 's in the world for Japan's national impression that Toyota cars and cheap small appliances, and now the world for Japan National impression may have a variety of Japan animation, Japan animation's popularity in the world market is obvious, but popularity doesn't mean Japan animation can achieve high income in the world market.

Compared with United States Disney, DreamWorks Animation, Japan-made animation released in overseas is difficult to scale in 2014, Japan animation size 326.5 billion yen in overseas markets, compared with a 5 trillion yen from the Disney Animation market scale , how to convert a super popular in overseas markets, real income is the Japan animation now faces the biggest task.

人物美剧情赞,日本动画究竟怎么赚钱? - 动漫,日本动画,二次元 - IT资讯


根据《日本动画产业报告2015》的内容,在2014年日本动画制作公司全体总销售额是1847亿日元(117亿人民币左右),这笔钱看似很多但其实一点也不多因为在2014年日本动画行业的总销售额是 1兆6297亿日元,在日本动画整体1.6兆亿的商业规模中,动画制作的销售额也就是收入如同沧海一粟







制作费用1话2000万日元×13 话=2.6 亿日元







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