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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:55:14 Edit(编辑)
Xuyong, Sichuan was 58 years maximum flood, emergency resettlement of 30,000 people

Xuyong, Sichuan was 58 years maximum flood, emergency resettlement of 30,000 people(四川叙永遭58年来最大洪水,紧急转移安置3万人)



Xuyong, Sichuan was 58 years maximum flood emergency resettlement of 30,000 people _ | | xuyong, Sichuan | flood news
Xuyong County of flood water in front of bridge. Su Zhongguo Su Zhongguo intake intake
Yongning River rose. Su Zhongguo Su Zhongguo intake intake

Original title: xuyong, Sichuan suffered heavy rains hit the emergency resettlement of more than 30,000 people

CNS, Luzhou, June 19 (reporters Zou Liyang and Su Zhongguo)-19th, the reporter learned from the Luzhou, Sichuan xuyong County party Committee propaganda Department, 18th, at 18 o'clock to 19th, at 6 o'clock, Sichuan xuyong County suffered heavy rain rainstorm, maximum rainfall in the territory up to 170mm County, rainfall-induced local yongning River rose, Max 2230 cubic meters per second, more than the local hydrological and historical water levels since records, the biggest flood in xuyong County, 58 years. Heavy rains also damaged local na Guizhou high speed, State Road 321 classification of Dana Road East, Granville Road, two high road and the interrupt number of township and village road.

Storm occurred Hou, xuyong County, and Government quickly started emergency response, County Secretary Chen Jingqiang, County Deputy Secretary, and County Jie Tang, main County led first time on do personnel transfer, disaster verified, work out arrangements deployment, xuyong flood command Yu 18th 16:18 issued first times warning, respectively Yu 18th 24 o'clock, and 19th 2 o'clock, and 19th 4 o'clock, and 19th 5 o'clock started 4 level, and 3 level, and 2 level, and 1 level response, from 18th 24 o'clock up emergency transfer placed low-lying zone masses more than 30,000 more than people.

At present, the xuyong County, leading cadres at all levels, respectively, deep links town to guide disaster relief work, transport, public safety, highways, road maintenance and other staff to carry out rescue and relief work, reports on the disaster were further statistics. (End)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Floods in Sichuan xuyong

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China News Network
四川叙永遭58年来最大洪水 紧急转移安置3万人|四川|洪水|叙永_新闻资讯
叙永县城定水桥前的洪水。 苏忠国 摄 苏忠国 摄
永宁河河水大涨。 苏忠国 摄 苏忠国 摄

  原标题:四川叙永遭遇大暴雨袭击 紧急转移安置3万余人

  中新网泸州6月19日电(邹立杨 苏忠国)19日,记者从四川泸州叙永县委宣传部获悉,18日18时至19日6时,四川叙永县遭受强降水暴雨灾害,县境内最大降雨量达170mm,降水致当地永宁河河水大涨,最大流量达到2230立方米每秒,超过当地有水文记录以来的历史水位,为叙永县58年来最大洪水。暴雨还导致当地纳黔高速受损,321国道大纳路正东段、叙威路、两高路及多处乡、村公路中断。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

四川 洪水 叙永


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