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published in(发表于) 2016/6/18 12:51:40 Edit(编辑)
Xiuen love the high-end skills, how do not a good photographer,

Xiuen love the high-end skills, how do not a good photographer,(秀恩爱这种高端技能,没个好摄影师怎么行,)



Xiuen love the high-end skills, how do not a good photographer-wedding photographer-IT information

On June 18, how many young girls eager to have a beautiful, happy wedding, how many boys wish to be right in your arms. The wedding doesn't have to be a once in a lifetime, but only for the first wedding, to touch deep inside strings.

When it comes to weddings, natural to count the photos. Now people take wedding pictures, poor conditions will opt for indoor shooting + post processing, good condition is the scenic view. In Qingdao Badaguan, beach, for example, almost every day to see a pair of pairs of dress out of young men and women.

However, even in scenic photos, sweet photos could pose is full of bitterness behind. Do not know since when, almost cookie-cutter templates wedding, standardization of the person in the photo is filled with smiles, backgrounds vary widely but always feel corny.

We might as well take a look at the following United States renowned wedding photographer Tom Harmon of the pieces of work, I hope when you have finished, can really feel the man in the photo was tendered.

秀恩爱这种高端技能,没个好摄影师怎么行 - 婚纱照,摄影师 - IT资讯




下面我们不妨来看看美国知名婚礼摄影师Tom Harmon的几幅作品,希望当你看完后,能真切的感受到照片中人的爱意绵绵。

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