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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:26:28 Edit(编辑)
Uber China, drop mass burn fiercely contested: or and ultimately to merge

Uber China, drop mass burn fiercely contested: or and ultimately to merge(Uber中国、滴滴大肆烧钱竞争惨烈:或最终走向合并)



Uber China, drop mass burn fiercely contested: heading for a merger, or the end-Uber, special trains to the last drop, drip-IT information

Analysis published in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal article said that Uber China and drops over the massive Chinese taxi engaged in a fierce competition in the market, much money, rushing to finance. Even if China's taxi market size, but may not be large enough to hold two large taxi service company. Some investors increasingly feel that they can't compete makes them endlessly, and should lead to merger negotiations between the parties. However, the merger will not be easy. Uber China is expanding rapidly in China, and raising capital. Moreover, the Uber CEO kalannike is known for aggressive, he is unlikely to lose.

The following is the full text of the article:

China is a big market, but is it big enough to hold two large taxi service company?

Uber China and China's taxi market drops, the local leader of the competition is very fierce, that some investors feel this is unlikely. In fact, some investors believe the two competing companies might end up heading for a merger.

Taking into account both in cash reserves for "total war," prepare this statement could have been scratching their heads. Uber has financed nearly 13 billion dollars, including 3.5 billion dollars from the Saudi sovereign wealth Fund earlier this month, part of this financing will go to China Uber. Uber China alone raised $ 1.2 billion.

Meanwhile, the drops have just completed a round of $ 4.5 billion in financing, including Apple's $ 1 billion investment and China life insurance's $ 600 million investment. In addition, drops or through debt financing from investment banks to raise 2.5 billion dollars.

Burn continuously or contributed to merge

Flood of capital into some investors and observers worry about the problem. They said, dripping with Uber and continued competition, subsidies to attract passengers and drivers, these funds will be burned up.

"The first Gulf War cost about $ 60 billion of funds," Managing Director of GSR Zhu Xiaohu said, the company is involved in three rounds of financing to the last drop, "drops and Uber has financed about $ 20 billion. This is a war, but they can't keep playing like this, reaching $ 30 billion before the ceasefire. ”

Zhu Xiaohu and others number of drops, Uber County and Uber investors around the globe believes that, if the two sides can agree on the valuation and ownership structure, merging is possible.

However, merging small block. It is well known that Uber CEO telaweisi·kalannike (Travis Kalanick) itself is a competitive man, his Uber global operations in China as a top priority, plans to invest $ 1 billion to expand the Chinese market last year. After expansion in China, Uber orders up to 6 of the top 10 cities in China.

Drops spokesman said the company has no plans to merge with the Uber China. Uber China spokesman declined to comment on whether he was considering a merge to the last drop.

Endless competition?

Drops and Uber China said, they more and more close to profitability. Trickle said in 400 cities in the company, with more than 200 is now profitable, "soon" will achieve the overall profitability. China Uber said corporate spending fell in China each order 80%, "is on the profit on the right path."

It's hard to say when competition will end on both sides. As long as the Uber China wants to expand into new cities, challenge the dominance of drops, or drops them to keep its market share, the two sides may well continue to burn .

Drops and Uber China disagree on the market share data. Multiple copies of a report from a third party company, calculated according to the orders and user coverage, drops in China's car market share of more than 85%. That has not been taken into taxi taxi market, because the market is almost monopolized by the drops, and Uber China does not participate in the competition. Uber China operates in 60 cities in China, the company claims that one-third per cent of the market share. Beijing research firm Analysys International track 150 million active smartphone users, the company's figures show that this year May drop with 43.1 million active users, Uber has 10.1 million.

Drops is valued at more than $ 25 billion, though well below the nearly $ 68 billion Uber global, but it is the Uber China more than three times the $ 8 billion valuation.

Whether it be Uber or drops, they are faced with China's third-largest taxi company's easy-to-use vehicle competition. Easy-to-use vehicle access to the investment isn't as much money as two other opponents. After winning her $ 700 million investment, easy-to-use vehicle through top cash back promotion activities to attract users. According to Analysys, easy-to-use vehicle in May this year with 3.9 million active users.

Taxi market like China it is difficult to develop customer loyalty. Beijing, freelance writer Li Lilian (Lilian Li, transliteration) recently has been using easy-to-use vehicle, because it cost by taxi than drops and Uber one-third less than half. She said that if other service price, she would not hesitate to abandon their easy-to-use vehicle.

Merge or unavoidable

Said one venture capitalist investments drop, economics of the network effects that once assisted in the creation of Facebook, micro-and almost a monopoly of Internet products, but it does not apply to taxi service. He said new users join Facebook or micro-letter is there because their friends, social network gets new users almost without any costs. But drops and Uber requires sustained investment to acquire and retain new users, because these users have no reason to remain loyal to their service .

An Uber global investor finance is compared to an arms race. Although the two companies have had the fortune to wealthy investors, but drops with Uber may be unavoidable, especially in considering the case of the amalgamation of the entire trend of China's Internet industry.

And Uber is different, is no stranger to merge to the last drop. Drops is the last February by drops of taxi and taxi formed through the merger because the two companies compete on price, making their investors are not willing to continue to provide funding.

Venture capital firm innovation works CEO Kai-Fu Lee said that drops with Uber China in line with the industry's consolidation trend. Innovation works is not an investment drops or Uber. He came up with that might prevent drops and Uber China merge for two reasons: first, if China drops that they can defeat the Uber, then they would not have to pay a premium to buy Uber China and secondly, Uber has raised a lot of capital, kalannike is also known for aggressive, so Uber may not admit defeat.

Indeed, two drops of investors said they would prefer to let the competition down to the last drop, beating Uber China, so that their shares will not be diluted.

Conference on Science and technology, held in Hong Kong this month, Uber strategy Liu Zhen, China admitted to hearing the discussions on working capital. "I have to admit, I hear a lot of merging of voice, many people have been asking me this question," she said. But Liu Zhen said, Uber is hopeful China will continue to grow rapidly.

When asked about Uber when you might when they exceed the drop in the Chinese car market, she replied: "I hope that in the next year. ”

Uber中国、滴滴大肆烧钱竞争惨烈:或最终走向合并 - Uber,滴滴专车,滴滴出行 - IT资讯

《华尔街日报》网络版发表分析文章称,Uber中国和滴滴出行为争夺庞大的中国打车市场展开了激烈竞争,大肆烧钱,争相融资。即便中国打车市场规模庞大,但可能也无法大到容下两家大型打车服务公司。一些投资者越来越感觉到不能让他们无休止地竞争下去,应该促成双方的合并谈判。不过,合并并非易事。Uber中国目前正在中国迅速扩张,并且筹集了大量资本。而且,Uber CEO卡兰尼克是出了名的好斗,他不大可能服输。










不过,合并的阻碍不小。众所周知,Uber CEO特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)本身就是一个争强好胜的人,他把中国视作Uber全球业务的重中之重,去年就计划投资10亿美元扩大中国市场。经过在中国的扩张后,Uber订单量最多的前10大城市中有6个在中国。








中国这样的打车市场很难培养用户忠诚度。北京自由撰稿人李丽连(Lilian Li,音译)最近一直在使用易到用车,因为它的打车成本要比滴滴和Uber少三分之一到一半。她表示,如果其它服务降价,她会毫不犹豫地弃用易到用车。









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