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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:26:27 Edit(编辑)
Two girls playing in the McDonald’s self portrait, was beaten by a man and a woman crazy,

Two girls playing in the McDonald’s self portrait, was beaten by a man and a woman crazy,(俩女孩麦当劳里玩自拍,遭一男一女疯狂殴打,)



Two girls playing in the McDonald's self portrait, was beaten by a man and a woman crazy-self portrait, McDonald's-IT information

Jinan television channel city the city woman reported recently in Jinan, Shandong province, two girls playing in the McDonald's when the self timer, likely photographed behind him was eating a man and a woman, was a beating by other, one girl with long hair and was dragged to the ground by pulling hair. At present, the beaten girls have alarms and related matters still further investigation.

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Shanda road, Jinan, Shandong in a McDonald's restaurant, two girl Xiao Li and Xiao Wang are through eating, just pick up the phone ready to self, suddenly was behind both beat. One was dragged to the ground by pulling hair.

Li said that at first she was preparing the self timer, open two mobile phones which work well, sat behind Li in a couple said Lee took them, so in theory up.

Control, reporters noted that both happened to be leaning back-to-back azimuth. Li told reporters that each other had been abused them, said they were "immoral" and "grew up and took what picture." After about 15 minutes of scolding, and the woman got up and beat up they burst.

After the incident, beating men and women had returned to the scene and find the missing phone, then they quickly left the scene. At present, Li has alarm, hit girl, related matters still further investigation.

俩女孩麦当劳里玩自拍,遭一男一女疯狂殴打 - 自拍,麦当劳 - IT资讯







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