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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:25:31 Edit(编辑)
Cortana to “boyfriend“: Microsoft to buy chat bot companies Wand,

Cortana to “boyfriend“: Microsoft to buy chat bot companies Wand,(小娜要有“男朋友”:微软收购聊天机器人公司Wand,)



Cortana to "boyfriend": Microsoft to buy chat bot companies Wand-Cortana, Cortana, Microsoft bracelet-IT information

On June 17, Microsoft Cortana Cortana speech aides launched a number of years ago, the speech Assistant design prototype is sci-fi female character in the game Halo, Microsoft seems to think that Cortana a bit "lonely", acquired a chat bot companies, Cortana appears to have companionship.

Wand Labs, this start-up company focused on the research and development on the application of messaging technology. Chat applications can be installed by some mobile phone users of applications to share with other users. Microsoft platform David Ku, President of the Deputy believes that Wand Lab technology combines the power of human language and machine learning, which can strengthen the position of Microsoft in the field of human-computer interaction.

In March, Microsoft launched the chat robot named Tay, but the results are unsatisfactory, the robot has published a lot of sexism, racism and other inappropriate remarks, this acquisition is Microsoft an important step to strengthen its influence in the field of artificial intelligence.

小娜要有“男朋友”:微软收购聊天机器人公司Wand - 小娜,Cortana,微软手环 - IT资讯


这家名为Wand Labs的初创公司专注于研发关于应用程序的消息传递技术。其聊天应用可以将一些手机用户所安装的应用功能与其他用户进行共享。微软信息平台开发团队副总裁David Ku认为,Wand Lab的新技术结合了人类语言的力量与机器学习,这能够加强微软在人机交互领域的地位。


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