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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:25:24 Edit(编辑)
Both worlds: four companies invest investment drops and Uber,

Both worlds: four companies invest investment drops and Uber,(左右逢源:这四家公司既投资了滴滴又投资了Uber,)



Both ways: this four companies investment drops and Uber-excellent step investment, Uber, drops-IT information

On June 17, Uber and drops to venture into a new dimension, for example, they make billions of dollars in venture financing becomes the new normal. Now, they introduced a new dimension: even if the two companies engaged in a fierce competition, but they are important investors there is some overlap.

In the United States and many parts of the world, Uber is leading car companies, while the drops are known as 87% share of the car market in China. According to records and people familiar with the matter said news of these two companies shared at least 4 investors: asset management company BlackRock high water jar, China investment company capital, hedge fund Tiger global and China life insurance company.

"Allows the same institution two enemies, and to obtain relevant information is a very rare situation. "Manhattan Chief Economist maikesi·woerfu Venture Partners (Max Wolff) says," but for a 7 years pre-IPO company, to raise $ 14 billion is also rare. ”

Uber was founded in 2009, and has so far raised more than $ 13 billion through equity and debt. Drop confirmed this week, the company completed its $ 7.3 billion in financing, so that its total financing of more than $ 10 billion.

Investors, academics and trade bodies said that two competitors of this investment approach has raised concerns about conflicts of interest and information sharing. Some people even worry about, a company's success may be at the expense of a company expense.

"I think this is not good. "Had studied the subject of Harvard Business School Assistant Professor luorui·maiketangna (Rory McDonald) said that" the company is not listed, they are growing, and to make strategic decisions. These decisions will have a significant impact. ”

According to Macdonald's research, if shared with rival investors, venture the competitiveness and innovative power of the company will usually decrease.

Uber said the company was not worried about share investors with drops, because investors have no seats on the Board or board observer seat, so they have less access to company information, the company's controlling power is lower.

Drops declined to comment.

People familiar with the matter said, the four major investors in the late development of a stake in, and therefore influence early stake in venture capital firms may be less closely. In addition, for companies like BlackRock, investment between different fund management team is often independent of each other.

Venture capital investors typically will not invest in the field of competing start-ups. But occasionally this happens, for example, the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz also supports photo sharing startup Instagram and PicPlz. The company later abandoned the right to obtain information of Instagram, and continue to invest. PicPlz eventually shut down.

But Andreessen Horowitz-like, when startups change or development of new products, often there will be a conflict of interest.

Investors and industry experts say, is worthy of attention, Uber and a trickle of investment has a conflict of interest, is still accelerating and investors to invest in the two companies.

ClearPath Capital Partners baoluo·boyide, Managing Director of asset management company (Paul Boyd) said that investors in the two companies a total of 4 is not a company to hedge risks of another company, but by investing in two companies to global markets.

People familiar with the matter said, this is Uber global 4 common investors, rather than the Uber China. In theory, these are two independent entities.

Investors believe that Uber prospects brighter outside of China, but they also invested in two companies show that advantage in the Chinese market to the last drop.

However, at the same time invest in two competing companies will give investors and business challenges. In counsel's view, Investor access to information may be restricted to view sensitive and competitive information. Companies must maintain a cautious about disclosure to investors.

"Uber doesn't want investors to get all sensitive information, avoid revealing to drop. "Within the law firm Hogan Lovells partner Stewart gallons (Nate Gallon) said.

左右逢源:这四家公司既投资了滴滴又投资了Uber - 优步,Uber,滴滴 - IT资讯



“允许相同的机构投资两家死对头,并获取相关信息是非常罕见的情况。”Manhattan Venture Partners首席经济学家麦克斯·沃尔夫(Max Wolff)说,“不过,对于一家发展7年的pre-IPO公司来说,融资140亿美元同样很罕见。”



“我认为这样不好。”曾经研究过这一课题的哈佛商学院助理教授罗瑞·麦克唐纳(Rory McDonald)说,“这些公司仍未上市,他们还在增长,而且要制定战略决策。这些决策会产生很大影响。”





创投领域的投资者通常不会投资相互竞争的创业公司。但偶尔也会发生这种情况,例如,风险投资公司Andreessen Horowitz同时支持图片分享创业公司Instagram和PicPlz。该公司后来放弃了Instagram的信息获取权,而且没有继续投资。PicPlz最终关闭。

但与Andreessen Horowitz类似,当创业公司改变发展重点或开发新产品时,往往就会出现利益冲突。


资产管理公司ClearPath Capital Partners董事总经理保罗·伯伊德(Paul Boyd)表示,这两家公司共有的4个投资者并非是用一家公司对冲另一家公司的风险,而是通过对两家公司的投资来覆盖全球市场。




“Uber不想让投资者获取全部敏感信息,避免泄露给滴滴。”律师事务所Hogan Lovells合伙人内特·加仑(Nate Gallon)说。

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