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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:47:11 Edit(编辑)
Women’s shopping addiction average monthly spending of 3000: a day without Internet panic,

Women’s shopping addiction average monthly spending of 3000: a day without Internet panic,(女子网购成瘾月均花费3000元:一天不上网心里慌,)



Women's shopping addiction average monthly cost 3000 RMB: a day without Internet panic-shopping, chopping the hands-IT information

"Clothes, bags, shoes, watches ... ... Even the juice drinks are bought, I really can not be stopped! Hands itch without shopping Web site around every day! "On June 8, came to Nanning mental hospital mental clinic for help public Feng Xiaojie eagerly expressed their" condition ".

Feng Xiaojie was a white-collar worker in a foreign company to do her lucrative financial work, due to working overtime so she often using online shopping to meet their needs. Feng Xiaojie said from the College she started shopping online. Only in 2015, she rough calculation, a large shopping site alone cost more than 40,000 yuan, on average spend more than more than 3,000 yuan a month.

?? picture source: Reporter

"Spending even worse my lunch time to see if your shop on new, often browsing the online shopping site stays up at night to the morning after one or two points, seven o'clock in the morning to work the next day, the body can't stand. "Miss Feng said.

Doctors concluded that Chiang Ching-kuo, psychological disorder refers to a person because of a physical, psychological or social reasons of abnormal psychology, abnormal personality characteristics of abnormal behavior, is one characterized by inability to act according to social acceptance in the appropriate way, so that the consequences of his actions himself and society are not used . Although von Miss network purchased addiction currently does not constitute serious of illness, but has performance out psychological Asia health state, for example Feng Xiaojie like hoarding sex shopping, purchase of many things actually in reality life in the also can buy to, purchase beyond normal using volume of things, and she received goods Hou often just casually processing, and daily couldn't help browse shopping website and start shopping, enjoy "buy" of process, This is a forced behavior of performance .

Experts caution that look like Miss feng of "Shopaholic", be sure to have self-control, not blindly buy, if clearly appeared more than buy, unable to stop, or even a day of shopping mania, anxiety, depression, and timely medical treatment.

However, it may be appropriate to divert attention, every day online shopping desire make life in a normal state, to this, Dr Jiang presented the following recommendations:

1. arrange time. In addition to studying, working, time should be limited to the Internet, make a schedule, will include Internet access time, avoiding excessive shopping.

2. shopping list. Sure of your target before each shopping, make a shopping list and avoid impulse purchases. If was also tempted to products other than the shopping list, must keep a clear mind, considering the present needs of the product is not a necessity. Once the items are on the list after you buy, you should quickly leave the shopping site, not stay longer.

3. develop accounting habits. View from the monthly consumption record whether each account falls to the ground, this to remind myself not to binge. Can be set to limit the payment methods, once the limit is reached the number amount cannot be traded.

4. train hobby, not an Otaku. Leisure time contact with the real world, find novelty and sense of accomplishment, shifting their attention.

5. try to vacuum. Learn to vacuum in your life through travel, shopping, communicate with friends and family, sports, gardening, walking, singing, dancing, and other ways to release pent-up emotions.

6. If the situation is serious, if necessary promptly to the hospital, doctors seek counseling from a professional.

女子网购成瘾月均花费3000元:一天不上网心里慌 - 网购,剁手族 - IT资讯














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