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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:46:42 Edit(编辑)
The first case! Driver was late to the last drop: a passenger plane by mistake awarded 5500,

The first case! Driver was late to the last drop: a passenger plane by mistake awarded 5500,(首例!滴滴司机迟到:乘客误飞机获赔5500元,)



The first case! Driver was late to the last drop: a passenger plane by mistake awarded 5500-drops-IT information

Mobile phone software by taxi cab to the airport, but the car disappeared. He waited a half an hour in Hangzhou, and finally even caught up with the aircraft, loss of nearly 6000 Yuan.

In desperation, he a the taxi software (drops) company to court, claims losses. Hangzhou railway transportation court trial of the case yesterday, and culminated in the mediation, he eventually awarded 5500 Yuan. It is learnt that the case also in Zhejiang Province, the first State software contracts of carriage by taxi to the last drop.

On August 13 last year, he had planned to take a night flight to Changchun, flight departure time for 7:50. On that day, Mr he took a taxi to the last drop from a building in Hangzhou software make an appointment for a fast train to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, booking bus from 5:30 P.M..

5 minutes later, the express driver orders, in order to ensure smooth travel, confirmed he and the driver.

5:30 P.M., he did not see driver's car at the agreed place, he immediately gave the driver a call. End of the telephone, express driver soon, Royal family please be calm.

Left, right, the driver still does not appear, he called to ask, said there was a traffic jam of the drivers, the car is hard to come, hope he change a place waiting for him.

Owing to time constraints, in order not to delay the plane, he can do it, finally in another location when the driver, but then half an hour later than the advance booking time on both sides.

Around 7 o'clock, the fast train to send them to the Xiaoshan airport, he was in a hurry when he came to the gate, airport staff told ticket system has been shut down for 5 minutes, unable to vote. He was forced to endorse the ticket, but it caused a loss of nearly 6000 Yuan.

It he's a terribly depressing, traveling mood is gone. Later, he called customer begging for traveling to the last drop, but made a return by taxi only costs 80 Yuan and compensation programmes, which he could not accept .

In desperation, he took a taxi to the last drop small Orange software is a member of Beijing science and technology company limited (hereinafter referred to as small Orange companies) sued the Court to ask for compensation for their losses.

Hangzhou railway transportation Court to entertain the case and organizational mediation before trial, the driver and the little company he also fault, that the plaintiff, should bear part of the responsibility, he submitted a claim for compensation cannot be met.

Because the case involves new types of contracts of carriage, and fit the Internet economy, President of the Hangzhou railway transportation Court set up by the charge as presiding judge of the Court of the case for trial.

On June 15, held a public hearing in the case, trial process, the little company that just provide a platform, the main responsibility in he and the driver. But he believes that little orange companies charge a service fee, should share the responsibility with the driver.

After 2-hour trial, under the auspices of the collegial panel, both sides submitted evidence, representations and reply to each other, finally expressed their willingness to mediate. Organize them again after the full Court mediation and ended with little company compensation 4000 driver 1500 Yuan, he gave up any other claim for compensation concluded.

Case mediation, head of the Hangzhou railway transportation Court in the case of small Orange company proposes, first of all take a taxi as a professional mobile phone software to the last drop, should make it clear rights and obligations between the cars and then little companies should increase attention to similar incidents, perfecting mechanism, properly resolve conflicts.

首例!滴滴司机迟到:乘客误飞机获赔5500元 - 滴滴出行 - IT资讯
















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