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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:44:59 Edit(编辑)
Announced that it has completed $ 4.5 billion in financing to the last drop, Tencent Ali are involved,

Announced that it has completed $ 4.5 billion in financing to the last drop, Tencent Ali are involved,(滴滴出行宣布已完成45亿美元融资,腾讯阿里均参与,)



Announced that it has completed $ 4.5 billion in financing to the last drop, Tencent Ali participation drops, drops-IT information

On June 16, drops announced that has completed a new round of $ 4.5 billion in equity financing, new investments include Apple, China life and Ant-metal clothing. Tencent and Alibaba, China Merchants Bank and SOFTBANK and other existing investors also participated in this round of funding. This is the world's single largest unlisted enterprises one of equity financing.

This in addition to equity investments, China Merchants Bank drops will also lead arranging syndicated loans of up to $ 2.5 billion, China life the drop was 2 billion yuan (about 300 million US dollars) of long-term debt investments. This also means that actually drops the round of financing totaling $ 7.3 billion.

Drops, said this round of financing will be used for platform technology upgrades, data development and operations, improve the user experience, and further expand domestic and foreign markets and new business. At present, the drops of the callable capital of the company has about $ 10.5 billion.

Chairman and CEO Wei Cheng said to the last drop, drops for the highly favored by global investors and approval, adequately reflects their confidence in the potential of the company has a very strong.

Tencent Holdings said the mobile Internet has promoted economic development in China, on people's well-being in the information such as city leap-forward progress, and drops in the area of mobile technology core competence has been built. Tencent will continue to work together and further drops, bring more convenience for users, improve the efficiency of resource use.

Alibaba group said that through mobile Internet, share and explore data and other related technology, is expected to be moved to the last drop fields the world's national brand and technology brands. As a strategic shareholder, the company will continue to support the development of drop, work together to improve the lives of ordinary people.

滴滴出行宣布已完成45亿美元融资,腾讯阿里均参与 - 滴滴出行,滴滴 - IT资讯







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