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published in(发表于) 2016/6/14 7:27:25 Edit(编辑)
MA: imitation of better quality than the real ones today, counterfeiting more difficult,

MA: imitation of better quality than the real ones today, counterfeiting more difficult,(马云:今天的赝品质量比真货更好,打假难度更大,)



MA: imitation of better quality than the real ones today, counterfeiting more difficult-Ma, Alibaba, fake-IT information

IT information news on June 14, last month, Ali Baba was cancelled by the international coalition against false membership attracts a lot of attention, Ali said, not to participate in the coalition against fakes, fraud has been carried out. So, as Jack Ma, Alibaba's founder, to fake what is it?

Today, Ma said in an address at Alibaba's Investors Conference, a better quality than some of today's fake authenticity, resulting in China's biggest online shopping service in getting more and more difficult to eradicate fake.

"The problem of counterfeit products is now doing better than real goods of better quality and lower prices. "He said," now is not the fakes destroyed the real thing, but a new business model. ”

"The same factories, the same material, but not use the real name. ”

"We hope to cooperate with brands. "Ma said, he added, the company has about 2000 people to solve this problem," we cannot be 100% address this problem, because it is against human nature. But we can be better than any Government or by any organisation or person to better address this issue. In the fight against fake products sold on the question of Alibaba group currently in the world's best. ”

Ma hoped that Alibaba can be obtained by overseas markets in 10 years more than half of revenue, it is imperative to improve the image of counterfeit goods.

马云:今天的赝品质量比真货更好,打假难度更大 - 马云,阿里巴巴,假货 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月14日消息,上个月,阿里巴巴被国际反假联盟取消会员资格一事吸引了不少关注,阿里方面表示,参不参加反假货联盟,打假一直在进行。那么,作为阿里巴巴创始人的马云对假货是怎么看的呢?






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