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published in(发表于) 2016/6/14 7:27:20 Edit(编辑)
Guizhou discovered the strange fish: the nose than the fish length,

Guizhou discovered the strange fish: the nose than the fish length,(贵州惊现怪鱼:鼻子比鱼身长,)



Guizhou discovered the strange fish: nose length than fish-fish-IT information

Recently, netizens hands carrying me on Twitter @ yesterday posted a peculiar fish pictures and asked netizens to science popularization what fish: "what species of fish is this? Caught moment is surprised! ”

Twitter is issued, some netizens joked: "this fish is called horse noble fish, because with a big nose, like in the fairy tale Pinocchio got its name. The fish is widespread, but not many, is a second-class protected animals. When it was lying to the other fish, lips will get longer, opinion blogs lead to fish in lying, all sorrows are made here! ”

Photos show that the fish seem to be long with a long nose, even more than the length. From the Twitter comments, netizens also does not seem to know the species of fish. Thanks to media attention to this photo, at a press conference with the help of the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of fisheries experts eventually found the fish name for paddlefish, a lot of people say it is a Duckbill fish origin in the United States. According to national-level protection of aquatic wild animal management.

It is understood that polyodon spathula is native United States Mississippi Valley, is a large fresh water fish, from 300 million years ago (the dinosaur) living on the Earth, and survived a rare sturgeon, paddlefish in the world is one of only two species of the family. With the Chinese sturgeon and paddlefish in the Yangtze River, are white sturgeon Acipenseriformes.

贵州惊现怪鱼:鼻子比鱼身长 - 鱼 - IT资讯

近日,网友@昨日有双手携着我 在微博贴出一条怪鱼的照片,并向网友求科普是什么鱼:“这是什么品种的鱼?钓上来的时候瞬间被惊讶到!”




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