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published in(发表于) 2016/6/14 7:24:49 Edit(编辑)
China and the United States for a high-level dialogue on the fight against cyber crime

China and the United States for a high-level dialogue on the fight against cyber crime(中国和美国就打击网络犯罪进行高级别对话)



China and the United States for a high-level dialogue on the fight against cyber crime | China and United States | cybercrime _ news
On June 14, the second, China and the United States against cyber-crime and matters related to high-level joint dialogue held in Beijing. Pictured here, State Councilor and Minister of public security Guo shengkun, United States Department of Homeland Security, the Ministry of Justice photo of plenipotentiaries.

Original title: second, China and the United States combat cyber crime and matters related to high-level joint dialogue held in Beijing Guo shengkun and United States security, co-chaired by representatives of Ministry of Justice

Second, China and the United States against cyber-crime and joint matters related to high-level dialogue was held in Beijing on 14th, State Councilor and Minister of public security Guo shengkun, United States Department of Homeland Security, the Ministry of Justice co-Chair of plenipotentiaries.

Guo shengkun, Orlando, first shooting caused heavy casualties to the US side expressing deep sympathy and sincere condolences and expressed deep condolences for the victims, to be strongly condemned this barbaric act, and United States Attorney General Lynch and homeland security Johnson events cannot continue to participate in the dialogue, the Minister expressed understanding.

Guo shengkun spoke highly of since last year, China and the United States progress in law enforcement cooperation in the field of network security. He said he attaches great importance to and personally driven by President Obama and President, joint dialogue held in Washington for the first time last year and both sides reached broad consensus, in a frank and constructive manner, in case of investigation, exchange of information and mechanism construction of intensive, pragmatic exchanges and cooperation has yielded fruitful results.

Guo shengkun, pointed out that strengthening security cooperation between China and the United States and the common interests of all countries of the world. Both should according to two heads specified of direction, adhering to "law, and peer, and frank, and pragmatic" of principles, effective put joint dialogue mechanism build for China and United States on network security problem for communication cooperation of main channel, full play its led role, further promotion trust, and tube control differences, care each other concerns, carried out pragmatic cooperation, achieved benefit total win, promoted network security problem continues to became China and United States cooperation new highlights, for building China and United States new powers relationship injected new power.

United States Spaulding, Vice Minister, Ministry of Justice of the Department of Homeland Security Deputy Assistant Secretary said Swartz, thanked the Chinese side after the shooting incident in Orlando for sincere concern, made a series of flexible arrangements. Shooting occurred to remind us, including network security, both sides should attach more importance to security cooperation. United States and China for the power of the Internet, there are many common interests in the field of network security. United States Government attached importance to the consensus reached by the two heads of State, firmly believes that the two sides had divided the field into some areas of cooperation, and hoped that the two sides continue to open communication, mutual trust, strengthening the hotline contacts, information exchanges and cooperation to jointly respond to cybercrime, consensus to implement the two heads of State.

Dialogue, China and the United States sides on the hotlines work programme cooperation, network security, cyber crime law enforcement information sharing and capacity upgrade, network-related cases investigation and further action plans and other topics in-depth exchange, reached a broad consensus by China and the United States combat cyber crime hotline operation programme and related matters, and agrees with the joint publication list. Both sides decided in 2016, the third dialogue held in Washington.

Central political and Legislative Affairs Committee Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General of the State Council Wang Yongqing, in United States Ambassador CUI Tiankai, Vice Minister of the Ministry of public security Chen Zhimin, Deputy Director of the central network Office Wang Xiujun, Deputy Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang, Chen zhaoxiong, Vice Minister at the Ministry, Su Deliang, Vice Minister of the Ministry, Liu Zhiqiang, Vice Minister of Justice, as well as the United States Ambassador to China Bocas participated in the dialogue.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
China and the United States cyber crime

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  原标题:第二次中国和美国打击网络犯罪及相关事项高级别联合对话在京举行 郭声琨与美国土安全部、司法部代表共同主持









中国和美国 网络犯罪


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