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published in(发表于) 2016/6/13 11:15:47 Edit(编辑)
United States 17 year old girl to pick up cell phones jumped the tracks was hit: drivers slamming on the brakes for help,

United States 17 year old girl to pick up cell phones jumped the tracks was hit: drivers slamming on the brakes for help,(美国17岁女孩为捡手机跳进铁轨被撞:司机紧急刹车救命,)



United States 17 year old girl to pick up cell phones jumped the tracks was hit: the driver brakes help-Metro, mobile phone-IT news

According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on June 11, in the United States New York Brooklyn subway stations, 17 year old girl qienali·ageniu to pick favorite cell phone, risked their lives to hop on the subway tracks, was hit by a speeding subway, fortunately, the mobile phone and the girls have no big deal. Accident occurred on June 9, Bergen, Agnew was standing on the Brooklyn terminus, phone slipped off the track. She was heartache, determined to die trying, jumped onto the tracks to save her treasure. Just then, a fast oncoming subway hit girl.

Subway drivers, Mason recalled, "when I see a girl on the tracks to pick something up after an emergency brake, heard a bang, and I really did not know she was dead or alive. "Drivers are prepared for the worst when you get off, girls may look horrible. When she took a deep breath and look under the car to go, the girl still on the move, and fortunately, the mobile phone and the girls were still alive. This is the driver in the New York City subway for 17 years, someone riding the subway for the first time before jumping the tracks, when the driver followed my heart to jump a bit, now fear.

When faced with a life and death test in girls, she had been holding her cell phone, and never give up. Emergency services staff rushed to move the girl out of orbit. On the stretcher, this obsession with cell phone girl always looked with love at her devotion. Later, she and her cell phone to the nearest hospital, Agnew who have only a few lumps and bruises, the other is okay.

美国17岁女孩为捡手机跳进铁轨被撞:司机紧急刹车救命 - 地铁,手机 - IT资讯




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