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published in(发表于) 2016/6/13 11:09:12 Edit(编辑)
Hainan Wanning City Public Security Bureau arrested for serious offenses under investigation

Hainan Wanning City Public Security Bureau arrested for serious offenses under investigation(海南万宁市公安局局长涉嫌严重违纪接受调查)



Hainan Wanning City Public Security Bureau investigated suspected serious disciplinary violations | serious offenses _ news

Wenhai Lake. Information chart

Original title: Hainan's Wanning City Public Security Bureau wenhai Lake suspected serious disciplinary violations under investigation

Beijing, June 13, according to Hainan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection's Web site, Wanning municipal Committee, municipal Public Security Bureau wenhai Lake for a serious disciplinary offence, currently under investigation.

  Wenhai Lake Biography:

Wenhai, male, was born in April 1962, Han Wanning, and undergraduate education, to work in July 1984, and joined the CPC in January 1993.

1982.09--1984.07, Guangdong provincial police criminal investigation schools professional learning;

1984.07--1987.12 Hainan Li nationality and Miao autonomous prefecture Public Security Bureau police officers;

Hainan Province Public Security Bureau police officers of the Criminal Investigation Department, 1987.12--1989.01;

1989.01--1994.03, Hainan Province Public Security Bureau criminal investigation department's anti-smuggling Division Chief;

1994.03--1994.11, Hainan Province Public Security Bureau criminal investigation department's anti-smuggling Division Chief (front section);

Four teams of the 1994.11--1999.05 district, Haikou city, Hainan Province Public Security Bureau criminal investigation department team leader (section (1992.09--1995.07 at Hainan University Law College for adult education classes));

1999.05--2002.01, Haikou city, Hainan Province Public Security Bureau criminal investigation detachment three brigade Captain (of which: 2000.12 by self study from Hainan University law graduate certificate; 1999.07--2001.06 in the China University of politics and law graduate class);

2002.01--2007.09 length of Haikou city, Hainan Province Public Security Bureau's economic crime investigation team detachment (pair);

2007.09--2008.05, Haikou city, Hainan Province, public security police detachment unit length (pair);

2008.05--2010.08 of Wenchang, Hainan Province, municipal Committee, Secretary of the political and Legislative Affairs Committee, Director of the municipal Public Security Bureau, Communist Party Secretary;

2010.08--2011.11 of Wenchang, Hainan Province, municipal Standing Committee, Director of the municipal Public Security Bureau, Communist Party Secretary;

2011.11--2013.07 municipal Committee, Secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission of Wenchang in Hainan Province;

2013.07--, Hainan Province, Wanning municipal Committee, Director of the municipal Public Security Bureau, Secretary of the.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Serious disciplinary offences

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  中新网6月13日电 据海南省纪委网站消息,海南万宁市委常委、市公安局局长文海涉嫌严重违纪,目前正接受组织调查。



  1982.09--1984.07 广东省警察学校刑侦专业学习;

  1984.07--1987.12 海南黎族苗族自治州公安局干警;

  1987.12--1989.01 海南省公安厅刑侦处干警;

  1989.01--1994.03 海南省公安厅刑侦处缉私科副科长;

  1994.03--1994.11 海南省公安厅刑侦处缉私科副科长(正科级);

  1994.11--1999.05 海南省海口市公安局刑侦处四大队大队长(正科级(1992.09--1995.07在海南大学经济法专业成教大专班学习));

  1999.05--2002.01 海南省海口市公安局刑侦支队三大队大队长(其间:2000.12通过自学获得海南大学经济法专业本科毕业证;1999.07--2001.06在中国政法大学法律专业研究生课程班学习);

  2002.01--2007.09 海南省海口市公安局经济犯罪侦查支队支队长(副处级);

  2007.09--2008.05 海南省海口市公安局治安警察支队支队长(副处级);

  2008.05--2010.08 海南省文昌市委常委、政法委书记,市公安局局长、党委书记;

  2010.08--2011.11 海南省文昌市委常委,市公安局局长、党委书记;

  2011.11--2013.07 海南省文昌市委常委、纪委书记;

  2013.07-- 海南省万宁市委常委,市公安局局长、党委书记。

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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