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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:07:04 Edit(编辑)
Russia, said Mongolia stations will destroy the Baikal, China project or freeze

Russia, said Mongolia stations will destroy the Baikal, China project or freeze(俄称在蒙古建水电站会破坏贝加尔湖,中方项目或冻结)



Russia, said Mongolia stations will break the China project, Lake Baikal or freeze

Selenggehe (the Selenga River) flowing through Mongolia and Russia in the East River, originated in Mongolia territory south of hovsgol Lake, formed by the Ideriin Gol and the West lamulun river confluence, is one of the rivers flowing into Lake Baikal.

Russia repeatedly claimed that Mongolia plans to build hydropower stations will lead to drying up of Lake Baikal, China in Mongolia to build hydropower projects are at risk of forced to freeze.

Foreign media reports in Russia and Mongolia in recent days around the Mongolia during the special meeting to be held on development of hydropower stations in the territory, both sides have reached an agreement, China and Mongolia cooperation immediately freeze construction of hydropower projects, and all assessment is completed, the World Heritage Centre, before making the decision, no longer advancing the implementation of any project.

In November last year during Mongolian President Elbegdorj's visit, the two countries signed a joint statement further development of comprehensive strategic partnership. Mentioned in the Joint Declaration, the two sides agreed to speed up the tawentaole cover, SIBO OBO, coal gas, South to the railways, for the root River hydropower project cooperation. Amount of genhe hydropower station to meet Mongolia 30% of domestic energy needs, so as to reduce the year Russia imported energy lines.

Another a at details is, at Mongolia China Ambassador suhebateer in accept global times interview Shi mentioned, 2014 China President XI access Mongolia during, both reached consensus, China to cast party provides 1 billion dollars excellent buy loan (excellent buy is refers to for tie national political, and diplomatic need, promoted and focus national and area of trade cooperation, used export buyer credit form foreign provides of has must offers conditions, by China import and export Bank hosted of specific loan), One aim of the Mongolian President visited China in 2015 was signed a framework agreement on this item, starting in 2016, on the amount of funds used in genhe hydropower station construction.

Project advance is slow. Last November, when Mongolia extreme cold season, the amount of root River hydropower projects Project Organizer China gezhouba group company, has started construction work on the ground. According to the franchise agreement, Mongolia places the root River hydropower project contract amount of us $ 98.3163 million, including access roads and power transmission, building a duration of 13 months. Amount of projects by the gezhouba genhe (Mongolia) limited investment and construction, two years after the transfer by the Mongolia investment services to gezhouba genhe (Mongolia) limited minutes and 4 pay the full contract price.

Russia Izvestia, on May 24, Mongolia selenggehe (80% River into Lake Baikal) plan to build 3 large hydropower station and its tributaries will be irreversible negative impact the ecological condition of Lake Baikal.

These reports, Russia and Mongolia have built hydropower station on the Baikal Lake, the State has held two rounds of negotiations. Russia Donskoi, natural resources and the Environment Minister has said on many occasions, selenggehe hydropower station construction project and its tributaries there is a huge risk.

According to the global times reported, Russia expert with Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar last March after a meeting on the results of Russian experts is invited to consider the environmental impact assessment protocols. Russia-Baikal reserve Su Dula, head believes that hydropower stations built in Russia may be adversely affecting unique ecosystems in the selenggehe Delta, while hydropower plant will pollute Lake Baikal, affected Russia Buryatia and Irkutsk region inhabitants of drinking water.

Russia vigorously opposed at the same time, also put through various channels in Mongolia ideas of building hydropower stations. Russia said the news, Russia presented by Mongolia laid the Russian grid, or Russia through Mongolia laying gas pipeline proposal. No matter which of the implementation of the above programme, Mongolia, without having to build a new hydroelectric power station.

These global times reported, under Russia's pressure, Mongolia hopes of building hydropower stations in selenggehe is likely to burst.

It is clear that Russia is the proposal, are trying to strengthen Mongolia's energy dependency. Data show that Mongolia 95% more petroleum products and most of its electricity from Russia. Mongolia Government proposed as early as 2011 with funding from the World Bank in building hydropower station on the selenggehe programme, due to the West of the country, North-North and production electricity from Russia imports spent about $ 30 million a year. From Russia to buy power lines not only in limited, and price is increasing.

As sandwiched between two neighbouring land-locked countries of China and Russia, Mongolia was based on its own at the end of the cold war geopolitical situation in "third neighbour" concept. In 2010, the Mongolia State Great Hural (Parliament) adopted a new national security concept, stressed that Mongolia in the balance and its two neighbors of China and Russia at the same time, will strengthen the "third neighbour" foreign policy. In 2015, Mongolia has put forward to be "permanently neutral State" idea.

China is Mongolia's largest trading partner since 1990 to 2014, bilateral trade increased by 200 times, the bilateral trade volume reached 7.3 billion dollars. In recent years, Mongolia has rich mineral resources attracted the eyes of the world. China and globalization think tank (CCG) researcher Chu Yin wrote that, in addition to challenges in international relations, current Mongolia poor continuity and stability of domestic politics, Mongolia adopted a unicameral, every change in Government, the previous Government did not implement the motion to reconsider, which also gives foreign investors including China brought the biggest policy risk.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-12 22:01:22
俄称在蒙古建水电站会破坏贝加尔湖 中方项目或冻结

  色楞格河(Selenga River)是流经蒙古和俄罗斯中东部的河流,发源于蒙古境内库苏古尔湖以南,由伊德尔河和木伦河汇合而成,是流入贝加尔湖的河流之一。














(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-12 22:01:22

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