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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:06:57 Edit(编辑)
Pudong airport explosion case studies, 5 people were injured

Pudong airport explosion case studies, 5 people were injured(浦东机场爆燃案件系人为,已致5人受伤)



Pudong airport explosion case studies have 5 people injured
CNS, Shanghai, June 12-12th 14:26, Pudong airport T2 Terminal international departure c value counter, a deflagration occurred cases.
Preliminary investigation by the public security authorities, a man took out from a carry-on backpack with beer bottles of homemade explosives thrown to counter, beer bottles after the explosion occurred, the man pulled a dagger from a backpack, after cutting his neck down, current injury in critically ill, is rescued.
People's Hospital of Pudong new area said to the media that, Transection of the man diving jugular vein on the left internal jugular vein injury, tracheal Transection.
Another 4 passengers (one of them a Filipino) were minor scratches by exploding glass bottle pieces, are currently treated.
Shanghai police said the case was under further investigation.
After the incident, apart from three handle values in the region outside the relevant flights have been affected, the current airport is operating normally.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-12 20:58:48
China News Network
浦东机场爆燃案件系人为 已致5人受伤
中新网上海6月12日电 12日14时26分许,浦东机场T2航站楼国际出发C岛值机柜台处发生一起爆燃案件。
(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-12 20:58:48

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