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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:41:25 Edit(编辑)
Meizu: Flyme gaming business to Shenzhen, based in Zhuhai,

Meizu: Flyme gaming business to Shenzhen, based in Zhuhai,(魅族:Flyme游戏业务迁往深圳,总部仍在珠海,)



Meizu: Flyme gaming business to Shenzhen, the headquarters remains in the Zhuhai-Meizu, Flyme-IT information

IT information news on June 11, Meizu withdrawal from Zhuhai to Shenzhen "rumours recently spread in social networks. According to the Pearl River evening news from Meizu company was informed that Meizu headquarters and the mobile phone business will not move away from Zhuhai, Flyme system part of their business will move to Shenzhen.

Meizu tangjia Bay, at the end of last year the company bought the land and will invest 400 million Yuan to build office buildings, its marketing Center Marketing Department staff said Flyme system gaming business was indeed moved to Shenzhen, but headquarters, as well as mobile development and production business remains in the Zhuhai.

Meizu granted in February last year invested US $ 650 million, last breath 6 Meizu phone, product updates, fast iteration. Analysts believe that the Meizu or associated with the gaming industry development in Shenzhen.

魅族:Flyme游戏业务迁往深圳,总部仍在珠海 - 魅族,Flyme - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月11日消息,魅族撤离珠海迁往深圳”的传闻,近日流传于社交网络。据珠江晚报从魅族公司获知,魅族总部和手机业务不会搬离珠海,Flyme系统部分业务将迁往深圳。



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