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Pension two-track reform has a detailed programme, year or promoting
两部门发布指导意见 中小学教师可评正高级职称
红通人员王海鹏回国投案 涉汕头市委原书记案
Ministry of Education allotted a unified national school register number, cross-province transfer online fix
Anti-terror Conference Beijing, conveyed the Central leader
我国将启动水权交易机制 水指标各省可自行买卖-水权
Heavy rain this weekend in Guangdong Province, part of a river or super police flood
江西高考替考案查处42人 被替考者3年禁考-替考-南昌市
Jinan high-rise residential building caused by fire 4 dead, 3 people escape plane crash death
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Fierce chengdu woman, street rape man
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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:39:09 Edit(编辑)
Magnitude 3.1 earthquake in eryuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan province, and focal depth 10-kilometer

Magnitude 3.1 earthquake in eryuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan province, and focal depth 10-kilometer(云南大理州洱源县发生3.1级地震,震深10千米)



Eryuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan province a 3.1-magnitude earthquake deep 10-kilometer

China earthquake quick report Twitter screenshots
Beijing, June 11, according to China's seismological network official determination: June 11 20:41 in eryuan County, Yunnan Dali (26.09 degrees north latitude, longitude 99.60) a 3.1-magnitude earthquake focal depths 10-kilometer.
(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-06-11 21:01:41
China News Network
云南大理州洱源县发生3.1级地震 震深10千米


  中新网6月11日电  据中国地震台网正式测定:6月11日20时41分在云南大理州洱源县(北纬26.09度,东经99.60度)发生3.1级地震,震源深度10千米。
(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-06-11 21:01:41

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