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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:39:05 Edit(编辑)
Liping in Guizhou province suffered flooding, village Party Secretary, waist line rope rescue were washed away

Liping in Guizhou province suffered flooding, village Party Secretary, waist line rope rescue were washed away(贵州黎平遭遇洪涝灾害,村支书腰系绳救人被冲走)



Liping in Guizhou encountered flood disaster village waist tethers to save lives was washed away | flood _ news

Liping County disaster scenarios.

CNS, Guiyang, June 10 (reporters Zhang Wei and Yang Guangzhen and He Junyi)-10th from Guizhou province, Liping County party Committee propaganda Department was informed that Liping suffered flooding, until press time, 3 people unaccounted for.

June 10, 2016, at 2 o'clock in the morning, in qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou province, Liping County, part of the town, heavy to torrential rain, rainfall up to 108 mm in 3 hours, from 5 o'clock at 135 mm. JIU Chao Zhen JIU Chao in Liping County village, Qian Dong village, Lai Dong village, village, with La village, said Zhai village and other villages of more severe flooding, whom fig Ficus village primary school has 10 people trapped second floor, rout a 3 person trapped in the House, nine village 2 flashes of thousands of people trapped by flood waters.

Boom town main street road, heavy rains led to disruptions, some regional landslides disruption, the town communications, power supply interrupted.

Disaster occurred Hou, Liping County, and County Government quickly organization nine tide town, and village to rescue, launched masses carried out self-help, evacuation masses; quickly organization fire, and people Wu emergency units, and police special (tour) police, and water works, and home, and land, and power, rescue personnel rushed to the site rescue relief; County xiaokaixuan, and County Deputy Secretary Tan Junduan, and Deputy County Wu Yuanliang led to site guide rescue relief. At present, the big banyan elementary school were trapped 10 people had been rescued, rout a 3 people rescued.

In the course of rescue, after verification, JIU Chao Liu Shanping, Secretary of the village branch of lumbar cord when 2 people to rescue people trapped by flood waters, unfortunately, were also washed away by the flood, and 3 missing. At present, the full personnel and notify the towns along the River to help rescue. (End)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Flood disaster

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China News Network
贵州黎平遭遇洪涝灾害 村支书腰系绳救人被冲走|洪涝灾害_新闻资讯


  中新网贵阳6月10日电 (记者 张伟 杨光振 贺俊怡)记者10日从贵州省黎平县委宣传部获悉,黎平大部遭遇洪涝灾害,至记者发稿时,3人下落不明。

  2016年6月10日凌晨2时,贵州省黔东南州黎平县部分乡镇普降大到暴雨,3小时内降雨量达108毫米,至5时已达135毫米。黎平县九潮镇 九潮村、阡洞村、赖洞村、便等村、同腊村、曰寨村等村寨发生较为严重的洪涝灾害,其中大榕村大榕小学有10人被困二楼、民罗村一户3人被困家中,九潮村2 名群众被洪水围困。


  灾情发生后,黎平县委、县政府迅速组织九潮镇、村干部前往救援,发动群众开展自救,疏散群众;迅速组织消防、人武应急分队、公安特(巡)警、水 务、民政、国土、供电等救援人员赶赴现场抢险救灾;县长肖凯旋、县委副书记谭俊端、副县长吴远亮带队前往现场指导抢险救灾。目前,大榕小学被困10人已被 解救出来,民罗村一户3人也成功救出。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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