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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:38:57 Edit(编辑)
Japan plans to differentiate into the Russian warships in the Diaoyu Islands, protested the Chinese

Japan plans to differentiate into the Russian warships in the Diaoyu Islands, protested the Chinese(日本计划区别对待驶入钓鱼岛中俄战舰,只抗议中方)



Japan plans to differentiate into the Diaoyu | Russian warships to protest the Chinese Diaoyu Island in |div_ news

Original title: will differentiate into Russian warships in the Diaoyu protest China

The "global network of military reported on June 11," according to Jiji reported on June 9, in view of Chinese warships sailed into the waters of Diaoyu, Abe commensurate with relevant ministries to work closely to tackle for safekeeping.

Report says, given the Chinese warships sailed into the contiguous zone around the Islands, Prime Minister Abe has made the following three instructions: related ministries to work closely together to deal with for safekeeping; seeks with the United States-led countries in close cooperation an all-out alert monitor. Residence of the Prime Minister's crisis control center set up intelligence liaison office. Head of the Defense Ministry held an emergency meeting.

Tanimoto 9th defense phase this morning pointed out that Chinese warships to the there are numerous islands contiguous zone "likely to show uncompromising attitude. This is cause for serious concern. "

According to the Kyodo News Agency reported on June 9, with China and Russia warships sailed into the Diaoyu Islands near Japan outside the territorial waters of the contiguous zone, Japan Government is dominated by intelligence liaison office at the Prime Minister's official residence is set to intensify Sino-Russian intentions and whether the two countries carried out joint operations for analysis. Ministry of Defense is working with us forces to track the movements of Chinese warships, and raised the alert.

Reports said Tanimoto in the defensive phase of the media emphasizes: "the Defense Ministry and the SDF will remain calm and avoid unnecessary escalation, while strongly defending the territory, territorial waters and air space of our country, to respond resolutely. ”

After learning of the Sino-Russian warships sailed into the contiguous zone, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhai muzhaolong and officials gathered in the Foreign Ministry immediately protested to the Chinese Government. Fast-wood also said that such action should distinguish between China and Russia, Russia would not protest, on the grounds that Russia has no unilateral territorial sovereignty claim over Diaoyu.

(Source: the global times)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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日本计划区别对待驶入钓鱼岛中俄战舰 只抗议中方|钓鱼岛|div_新闻资讯

  原标题:日将区别对待驶入钓鱼岛中俄战舰 只抗议中方


  报到称,鉴于中国军舰驶入钓鱼岛周边的毗连区,安倍晋三首相做出了以下三点指示:相关省厅要紧密合 作加以应对,以防不测事态;谋求与美国为首的相关国家开展紧密合作;竭尽全力进行警戒监视。首相官邸的危机管控中心设置了情报联络室。防卫省紧急召开负责人会议。






责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

钓鱼岛 div


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