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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:34:48 Edit(编辑)
Deputy Foreign Minister: guidelines developed with the ASEAN maritime hotline

Deputy Foreign Minister: guidelines developed with the ASEAN maritime hotline(外交部副部长:将与东盟制定海上热线指导方针)



Deputy Foreign Minister: guidelines developed with the ASEAN maritime hotline

AP China and ASEAN countries to 9th in Viet Nam was the implementation of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea held 12th senior official, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin with the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru Chi Weiqiang co-chaired the meeting and other ASEAN Foreign Ministry officials attended the meeting. Now properly handle the parties express their concern about the South China Sea, on the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Declaration, strengthen pragmatic cooperation and consultations on the sea "South China Sea code of conduct" and other topics in-depth exchange of views.

The parties committed themselves to continuing the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Declaration, deepen pragmatic cooperation in maritime and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. Parties discussed have to draw China and ASEAN Foreign Ministers issued "the full and effective implementation of the Joint Declaration" problem, agreed to speed up progress, strive for consensus as soon as possible.

In the "guidelines" consultations, 11 Parties are committed to implement as soon as possible "early harvest" results, accelerate the development of "China and ASEAN countries to respond to maritime emergencies hotline for diplomatic officials platform" guidelines. Parties to discuss how to give better play to the rules of maritime accidents met in South China Sea area.

11 Parties reiterated the consensus reached at an early date on the basis of "principles" our common will, says it will continue its efforts to strengthen pragmatic cooperation in maritime, enhance mutual trust, properly differences and remove disturbances, work together to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea and regional prosperity and development.

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Chinese society of international law, argues

South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal has six errors

According to Xinhua electric on Philippines advance sea arbitration program problem, China international law learned 10th published Philippines by mention sea arbitration case Arbitration Chamber of ruling no legal effectiveness a paper, support China Government not accept, and not participation Philippines by mention arbitration of position, from legal angle refuted Arbitration Chamber on the case jurisdiction right problem made ruling of errors, and stated Arbitration Chamber made jurisdiction right ruling and its next on entity problem made of ruling are no legal effectiveness.

The paper pointed out that proposed by the Tribunal on October 29, 2015 in the Philippine Sea arbitration cases the jurisdiction and admissibility rule from ascertaining the facts and applicable law are full of errors. The decision at least six of the following errors:

First, incorrectly identified demands raised by the Philippine Constitution in the Philippines about the Convention the interpretation or application of dispute;

Second, the errors do not fall within the Convention adjusted matters essentially within the land territory of jurisdiction;

Third, wrongly excluding the application of force, China has been procedural matters relating to the delimitation of maritime jurisdiction;

Finally, mistakenly deny Philippines agreement negotiated settlement of the dispute;

Finally, incorrectly identified dispute resolution arbitration matters raised by the Philippines's "Exchange of views" obligations;

The last departure from the object and purpose of the dispute settlement mechanism of the Convention, damages the integrity and authority of the Convention.

The paper stressed that arbitral jurisdiction decisions made by the lack of factual and legal basis, contrary to the precautionary principle, it is obviously unfair, is entirely a political decision, not have any legal effect.

The paper concludes that demands posed by the Philippines of the arbitral jurisdiction is totally wrong. Next on the real issues of the arbitral award, also does not have any legal effect.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-06-11 03:03:34
Beijing times


















(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-06-11 03:03:34

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