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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:34:31 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming in the UK: in the South do not play with fire

Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming in the UK: in the South do not play with fire(中国驻英大使刘晓明:不要在南海玩火)



Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming in the UK: in the South do not play with fire

International online coverage (by Ao Danna): on June 10, the United Kingdom, the Daily Telegraph print edition and online editions published in China in United Kingdom Ambassador Liu Xiaoming signed article, entitled don't play with fire in South China Sea.

Liu Xiaoming pointed out in the article, recently, the United Kingdom public concerns over the upcoming British EU referendum, but equally deserving of attention in the South China Sea area environment. Although the United Kingdom public may know about the South China Sea is not deep, but on whether it should accept the Philippines South China Sea is about to announce the outcome of arbitration the Arbitration Tribunal has been very very hot. Some people say that if China does not accept the outcome of arbitration, is the destruction of the "rule-based international order," peace and stability in the South China Sea is at stake. We do not agree with this view.

Liu Xiaoming said that arbitration case is the essence of the South China Sea in the Philippines the Philippine side unilateral attempt to launder their illegally occupied Spratly island reefs. United Kingdom the public may not be aware, there are currently more than 40 more belonging to China's Nansha and other neighboring countries of illegal occupation of the Philippines, and much above the construction of airport runways, deployment of weapons and equipment. Stir from time to time in the Philippines, sent warships to force illegal "beach", openly attempting to use China's Islands as their own. But China has maintained great restraint, resolve the dispute through negotiation, until the problem is resolved "putting aside disputes and joint development." However, the Philippines has put China's restraint as weakness and a yard. They now not only to illegal possession of the islands of China, but also show they put on one of the arbitral "legitimate" coat. But the Tribunal is simply not the case.

Liu pointed out that recourse to arbitration matters in the Philippines, ostensibly involved in reef and fishery disputes, in fact, is inextricably linked to territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation and territorial claims is not within the jurisdiction of the United Nations Convention on the law of the. Issues relating to maritime delimitation, China has, pursuant to the Convention in 2006, will be excluded from compulsory dispute settlement mechanism. United Kingdom, more than more than 30 countries have made similar statements. Therefore, the arbitral tribunal to have no jurisdiction over territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation disputes. Knowing that illegal in the Philippines, but is determined to initiate an arbitration, is typical of the "indiscriminate"; arbitral tribunal knowingly unlawful, but the case is typical of "abuse of power".

Liu believes that China has refused to participate in the arbitration case in order to defend international law. The Convention requires first dispute through bilateral channels, third-party mechanisms such as arbitration can only be a "last resort" support path. In the South China Sea in the arbitration case, and between China and the Philippines were far from exhausted bilateral means, the Tribunal has rashly agreed to compulsory arbitration, if not a lack of respect at least the basic spirit and principles of the Convention, that is, have other aims.

He suggested that the who behind the arbitration case is, discerning people know perfectly well. Over the years, the foreign countries to speed up the pace of implementation of the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy, its Asia-Pacific policy and politicians repeatedly made the provocative remarks on the South China Sea, and its military has significantly intensified in the South China Sea and neighboring power. Arbitration case this is what countries in the South China Sea in the Philippines behind writing the script, the Philippines is only acting in the foreground. Fantastic, however, is when the countries accused of other violations of the Convention, but he has so far refused to be the members of the Convention.

Liu said, my advice to the Philippines rein in as soon as possible and return to the negotiating track to solve the problem. I also urge those outside forces pull back in a timely manner, do not try to chestnut out of fire. Only the parties to international law and on the basis of historical facts, consultation and negotiation with each other, to really address the South China Sea, the South China Sea the waters return to calm, so that lasting peace, cooperation and prosperity in the region.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-11 17:54:25
International online

  国际在线报道(记者 敖丹娜):6月10日,英国《每日电讯报》纸质版和网络版同时刊登中国驻英国大使刘晓明题为《不要在南海玩火》的署名文章。







(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-11 17:54:25

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