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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:34:28 Edit(编辑)
China railway company: negotiation United States unilaterally declared the termination of the project for the Western Express co

China railway company: negotiation United States unilaterally declared the termination of the project for the Western Express co(中国铁路总公司:已交涉美国西部快线单方宣布终止项目合作事宜)



China railway company: negotiation United States unilaterally declared the termination of the project for the Western Express co
Newspaper Beijing June 10 electric (reporter Lu Yanan) for recently has media reported, United States West fast line company terminated and China Railway Corporation subordinates of China railway international company United States company cooperation of message, China Railway Corporation about head said, United States West fast line company violation and China railway international company United States company signed of about agreement, unilateral released terminated project cooperation of message, this a behavior is errors of, not responsible of, we said against, and has law for negotiations. Both sides agreed in the framework of cooperation agreement, either release the relevant information, must be approved by the consent of the other party.
Last year, in response to the two Presidents to carry out pragmatic cooperation in trade and economic agreement, includes China's iron General, car and other 6 companies in China in the Chinese Consortium in the United States incorporated China railway International (United States), and on September 13 and the United States express company signed an agreement on forming a joint venture company in the West. Recently, the United States company Western express company suddenly announced unilateral termination with the iron in the international cooperation in building high-speed rail project Las Vegas to Los Angeles.
The people's daily (June 11, 2016 version 02)
Author: Lu Yanan (source: PRC-people's daily)
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-11 09:02:00
People's daily online
  《 人民日报 》( 2016年06月11日 02 版)
  作者:陆娅楠 (来源:人民网-人民日报)
(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-11 09:02:00

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