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published in(发表于) 2016/6/9 5:40:35 Edit(编辑)
Japan “terror train“ will be based on: weird stories full of high energy,

Japan “terror train“ will be based on: weird stories full of high energy,(日本“恐怖列车”将出发:怪谈故事全程高能,)



Japan "terror train" starting: Kwaidan tale full of high energy-trains, the ghost stories-IT information

According to Japanese media reports, located in Ishikawa Prefecture Anamizu, Ishikawa's Noto railway company and is located in the city of Nanao and Onsen tourism association this summer, runs a car lies ahead the same smell "weird train."

This is weird train of Noto railway runs for the first time. Planning light rare night into advantages, deliberately creating a climate of fear, which says: "in addition to staying in and outside Onsen tenant, also hope that local people can enjoy it, to cool down in the summer."

From the Onsen and Nanao station, station on the train passengers, plying between Nakajima station. Dedicated to stories of weird, is normally in classical arts activities within the County, Kaga can put new classical Association for the promotion of "plus" members.

Current plan is that extinguished the lights 1 carriages (40), members telling weird stories from this area, mixed with a wide variety of rendering performance in order to achieve the purpose of frighten passengers.

The trains will be held from July 15 to August 27, Friday and holiday eve, running 16 times total. Contains the fare prices for 2000 yen per person (about 123 Yuan), children under 3 years of age free of charge. Appointments by car, drive until 5 o'clock in the afternoon the same day.

日本“恐怖列车”将出发:怪谈故事全程高能 - 列车,鬼故事 - IT资讯






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