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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:41:11 Edit(编辑)
Woman with 3 handsets the Fearless Hyena crazy scalping, 1 year 30,000 yuan of fraud,

Woman with 3 handsets the Fearless Hyena crazy scalping, 1 year 30,000 yuan of fraud,(女子用3部手机自导自演疯狂刷单,1年诈骗3万元,)



Woman with 3 handsets the Fearless Hyena crazy scalping, 1 year 30,000 yuan-scalping of fraud, fraud-IT information

3 mobile phones, she as both businesses and consumers, acting crazy scalping, to consumers who buy online order, subsequent to business identity to complete "consumer success" ... Baijiang woman Zhang with the business identity and glutinous rice technology development co, Ltd, Beijing signed a cooperation agreement, sell buy malicious manner, to obtain subsidies of more than 30,000 yuan a year. Today, reporters learned from the qingbaijiang district, Chengdu city people's Procuratorate prosecutors prosecute the fraud.

Scalping is both a business and consumers benefit

Zhang in qingbaijiang district, opened a tea shop, in June 2014, she and rice technology development co, Ltd, Beijing signed a cooperation agreement, Baidu own tea shop hung glutinous rice-buying websites. A consumer buying a list of success, the company will give Zhang a 5 Yuan to 100 Yuan subsidy. Signed after 10 days, trying to find a job, rice technology development co, Ltd, Beijing again to a salesperson, qingbaijiang district, responsible for the development of feature group-buying services, sales and orders on.

Hosting the Prosecutor introduced Yan Lei, Zhang of the tea shop business is not good, but in the operation, she found herself either as businesses or consumers. So when a company offers to buy coupons, and use their business identity, use coupon code, complete the "successful consumer" and then companies will consume and the amount of subsidies to her bank account. "There is no real deal, her commodities not consumed, she was buying tickets to purchase orders and consumer validation of two operations. "Yan Lei said.

3 mobile phones turn malicious scalping 1 fraud subsidies of more than 30,000 yuan

Yan Lei told reporters that in October 2014, Zhang began to own all 3 phones and two relatives and friends, in their own tea shop buy used interchangeably on the Web page of scalping. April 2015 to July 2015, Zhang also use two phone numbers to friends and relatives, on behalf of the other three businesses and glutinous rice technology development co, Ltd, Beijing signed a cooperation agreement. However, businessmen buy online back account and password are kept by a person. "On these businesses to find, because they do not understand the network does not trust the network, so I want to cash transactions. ”

Hosting the Prosecutor Yan Lei told reporters, Zhang hang information on buying all three businesses online, among them, the way consumers buy in-store consumer, every once in a while, she would leave cash-spending and subsidies to businesses, specific group number, merchant is unclear. The other hand, she used her 3 phones and two friends in the scalps on the buy page of 3 business and profit from it. While his two friends, she claimed only for rushing performance of scalping. September 2015, the company found a used brush in their mobile number in their own shop, after investigation, found her still in three businesses have the same acts of scalping.

After investigation, the rice technology development co, Ltd found in Beijing in October 2014 and between September 2015 and 1 years, buying business subsidies of a total fraud of more than 30,000 yuan.

Construction of the Prosecutor:

According to Yan Lei introduced, Zhang with the intention of illegal possession, using fictional facts, methods in obtaining public or private property, larger amounts, their acts have been committed in the People's Republic of China Article No. 266 of the Penal Code, Law Office for three years, criminal detention or control, or be fined. Brush this via a malicious acts of obtaining corporate subsidies is "Internet +" for the implementation of new types of criminal activities, not only caused economic loss to the enterprise, and seriously disturbed the normal order of the market economy.

Yan Lei reminding, either as businesses or consumers, should be honest and trustworthy, and create a good social atmosphere, and abandon the unearned psychological, not to take a chance, otherwise they will be digging its own grave.

女子用3部手机自导自演疯狂刷单,1年诈骗3万元 - 刷单,诈骗 - IT资讯












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