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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:33:26 Edit(编辑)
Jingdong 618 latest news: phone back to top

Jingdong 618 latest news: phone back to top(京东618最新战报:小米手机重回巅峰,)



Jingdong 618 latest news: the phone back to its peak-Jingdong 618, Meizu cell phones-IT news

IT information news June 8 message, Beijing East 618 shop celebrates still in continued for among, as Internet phone of battleground, phone sales ranking of compete for natural also was many of phone user and phone manufacturers value, June 6, day phone sales King spent fell charm family, results for 59970 Taiwan, but in total sales ranked Shang charm family still ranking fourth, distance Apple only 4,000 Department around of gap.

Today, however, to a reversal of the plot, has been a champion in the first three days, millet has not erupted after outbreaks come in today, Jingdong said phone sales on June 7 61998 618 cumulative sales of 308296 units during the event, top of the League, Huawei, Apple Sales ranking second and third.

Worthy of attention is that Apple has dominated handset sales in the activities list, whether it is price or profit believe rolled manufacturers.

On June 7, Jing dong 3C category sales totaled 16,378,835 units.

? Click here to go to the Jingdong 618 mobile site

京东618最新战报:小米手机重回巅峰 - 京东618,魅族手机 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月8日消息,京东618店庆仍然在持续进行当中,作为互联网手机的必争之地,手机销量排名的争夺自然也被不少的手机用户和手机厂商看重,6月6日,当天手机销量王花落魅族,成绩为59970台,不过在总销量排行上魅族依然排名第四,距离苹果只有4000部左右的差距。




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