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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:32:33 Edit(编辑)
2 billion yuan into inter, suning buyers or new overlords? ,

2 billion yuan into inter, suning buyers or new overlords? ,(20亿元入主国米,苏宁成接盘侠还是新霸主?,)



2 billion yuan into inter, suning buyers or new overlords? -Inter, SUNY-IT information

See Russia Consortium, the richest in the Middle East as well as Southeast Asia after local backers, are beginning to feel the power of Chinese capital in European football.

On June 6, as centuries of the history of European football clubs, has received 3 times champion and 18-time Serie a champion Inter Milan in the Champions League, again changed hands after 33 months. But this time, it's new owner is no longer Southeast Asia Consortium, but from the football upstart China suning Corporation.

The same day, the inter press briefings held in Nanjing suning mergers and acquisitions, suning announced that its sports industry group at about 270 million euros (about 2.01 billion yuan) total consideration, by way of subscription of new shares and buy old stock, access inter 68.5% stake in the Club.

This is the first time a Chinese company holding European club football club. Wang pledged 45 million euros to buy 20% shares of Atletico Madrid football club began, China's capital began to infiltrate the European sports market, where football is the main subject matter. Coincides with the century of this year's European Cup, the South American Cup held back-to-back, as well as a variety of events such as the Olympic Games in 2016, will usher in a great sporting.

In fact, the strong intervention of the Chinese capital for the time being, European football has a good fan base on the one hand, more mature business model, on the sluggish European economy currently, bottom European football markets may be less risky investments. United Kingdom ximeng·chadeweike, Professor of sports business at Coventry University Business School, said the Chinese Government put forward by 2025 to reach 5 trillion yuan of Chinese sports industry as a whole scale, becoming the world's first. "Government to allow enterprises to smell the opportunity, they hope that by investing in the sports industry, supported by the Government and in the future additional preferential policies. "Simon says.

"Bottom" inter

At a news conference, Zhang jindong, said Su Ning into inter's details. Before the Spring Festival this year, Zhang jindong and inter Club President Tohir had met for the first time, and had a keen interest in Inter Milan. Subsequently, Zhang jindong, traveled to Italy, visiting a former Inter President Massimo Moratti. "Moratti was deeply moved by the passion for football and focus on me," said Zhang jindong, "he told Inter Milan of dedication, achievement of the century in the history of football's great story and most touching stories. ”

During the meeting, Zhang jindong, Hao yan, suning will inject capital and resources flowing to the inter to help dominating the Serie a with Inter Milan, dominated Europe. Zhang jindong, the suning financed the acquisition of Inter Milan had three reasons. "First, the acquisition of Inter Milan is the layout of the suning group an important part of the sports industry, and second, acquisition of Inter Milan will be able to help SUNY Football Club upgrade technology systems and operational capability; and, third, acquired inter suning global arrangement is an important part of suning will actively use inter visibility across the globe to help SUNY to expand overseas markets, inter will be SUNY an important card in the process of internationalization. ”

In fact, suning, the holding inter is more like a bargain-hunting operations. The last three years, Inter Milan's total turnover has been declining, from 201 million euros for the 2012-2013 season, all the way down to 2014-2015 season of 146 million euros. Meanwhile, Inter Milan has not among the UEFA Champions League for 5 years, Serie ranking equally difficult to keep fans satisfied.

The fall of 2013, Inter Milan's biggest shareholder by the Moratti family became Indonesia's largest consortium of Astra holding Hill, Club 75.67% shares changing hands. The SUNY purchase 68.5% shares from Tohir and Massimo Moratti, respectively.

For this transaction, Shenyang Orient securities investment advisers think it is on a business integration. "Suning sports outdoor channel marketing investment in football is the core, by bringing in and going, the domestic players and brands into the European market as a whole. ”

Central University of finance and sports economic Professor Min Jie believes that Su Ning and inter cooperation, business model, business value, country club provides a lot of references . "As a general rule, the Club's profits included: Union distribution of television revenues, sponsorship revenues in foreign countries are relatively more, this is less on the other, Club sponsors, tickets, franchise and player trading income, advertising income. If these suning to draw inter business model, to their own club now, we stock a good selection of country club. This can greatly improve the Club's income. ”

Chinese capital why eyeing European football

In addition to Inter Milan, but with Italy Milan soccer giants AC Milan are also sought after by Chinese companies. Recent foreign media reports, including the hengda group and Guizhou maotai group, Chinese happiness Foundation company, Alibaba, Consortium of Chinese companies such as Huawei have to buy 70% shares of AC Milan, consortia within the average distribution of the way each company about 10% shares.

In fact, in recent years, capital acquisitions or investments in European Club Soccer is increasingly common. In January 2015, Wanda Group announce a € 45 million to purchase 20% shares of Atletico Madrid Football Club and entered the Club's Board of Directors, this is the first time Chinese companies investing in Europe's top football clubs in November last year, the a-share listed companies in interactive entertainment (300043) injection of more than 60 million euros holding Royal Spanish La Liga teams (RCD Espanyol), is the first time a Chinese company holding one of Europe's five major League Soccer Club. Coupled with earlier Michihiro shares with RMB 290 million acquisition of European football agency MBS total 46% equity capital into European football.

Why China's capital often eyeing European football? Behind because its enormous economic benefits. As the single biggest item in the sports industry, global production value of more than € 800 billion per year of football. Only in terms of League revenues, the 2013 season, achieved total revenue of $ 5.5 billion, in the Premier League the Bundesliga $ 3 billion by $ 2.5 billion, and La Liga, Serie a, $ 2.2 billion to $ 2 billion. Total revenue of only $ 290 million over the 2013 season, the significant difference with the five European leagues.

In the football industry chain, upstream Union for events, clubs, players, football agents, sports training as participant of the event; while downstream includes events, such as copyright and broadcasting, also provide consumers with soccer equipment, soccer Lottery derivatives services. Sinolink securities research report noted that, compared to the internal imbalance in the sports product 80% of the sports industry as a whole, more balanced development of sports industry of European countries.

As the century of this year's European Cup, the South American Cup, as well as a variety of events such as the Olympic Games held in succession, enormous economic benefits to attract domestic enterprises get a share. The European Cup as an example, according to statistics from UEFA 2012 European Championships while living in Europe's debt crisis, but the total of 1.345 billion euros. Research Institute expects this European Cup live 147 million viewers per game, total audience of 6.6 billion, China alone will be more than 1.2 billion people watched this year's European Cup.

In addition, many European football clubs are more than happy to promote marriage of capital in China. According to data released at PWC, in 2015, China Sports market in tickets, purchase and advertising profits are expected to reach $ 3.4 billion. United Kingdom to Yao Ming in the financial times, for example, says its success in NBA basketball quickly became popular in China, contains huge market invaluable behind it.

But excluding these factors, Chinese companies also hope that through the acquisition of foreign ways to speed up the country's youth development at the Club. Wang said the stake in Atletico's purpose is not to control, but for those in the training of young people in Europe to provide more upward path, "unless you were an investment club, the Club will really care about you, will really nurture you, and give you more chance of the game. "Starting from 2011, Wanda Group annual delivery 8-12 of 30 people to Spain to learn football after three years, the number has reached 90. In accordance with the contract of 6 years, to 2017, in Spain studying young football talents in China will reach 180. To support the plan, million a year to invest up to 20 million euros of sponsorship fees.

20亿元入主国米,苏宁成接盘侠还是新霸主? - 国际米兰,苏宁 - IT资讯















实际上,近年来中国资本收购或投资欧洲足球俱乐部越来越普遍。2015年1月,万达集团宣布出资4500万欧元购买马德里竞技足球俱乐部20%股份,并进入俱乐部董事会,这是中国企业首次投资欧洲顶级足球俱乐部;去年11月,A股上市公司互动娱乐(300043)注资6000多万欧元控股西甲球队皇家西班牙人(RCD Espanyol),是中国企业首次控股一家欧洲五大联赛足球俱乐部。再加上早前道博股份以2.9亿元人民币收购欧洲足球经纪公司MBS共46%的股权,中国资本正在全面进入欧洲足球。






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