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Chinese citizen identification number number number 7 by 1.71 million to 10 people

Chinese citizen identification number number number 7 by 1.71 million to 10 people(中国公民身份号码重号人数7年由171万减至10人)



Chinese citizen identification number number number 7 from 1.71 million was reduced to 10 men _ | | ID | of household registration system the Ministry of public security news

For 5 months before citizenship nearly 750,000 accounts personnel to be free account number, the number was reduced to 10 people

Clean household registration management work productive

Huang Ming at promoting household rectifications fourth Teleconference and talk

Reporter learned from the Ministry of public security, held on 8th rectifications of the deepening of household registration management fourth videophone meeting was informed that the account since the rectification work, public security organs nationwide a total cancellation of duplicate accounts 2.96 million, Clean up photos-free personnel 16.655 million population information, civil identification numbers, the number has been reduced from 10 in 2009 to 1.71 million people, formed by historical reasons citizen identity number, and duplicate accounts problem solving; the first 5 months of this year, the national public security organs with a strength of Mo Pai no account more than 1.09 million people, 746,000 no account officer for account registration. Huang Ming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of public security, the Deputy Minister stressed at the meeting, based on the work of public security organs in an existing, solid continues to pay special attention to household registration management to clean up the implementation, problem-solving, a sound work mechanism, ensure timely quality national accounts and accuracy of citizen identity number, a unique, authoritative goal.

It is understood that after unremitting efforts before, accounts, the ID card of a wide range of "wrong, heavy, false" issue is resolved, false trading account delinquency are resolutely and effectively curb, household management Informationization construction achieved new breakthroughs, progress was made in standardization of the household registration, complete the account registration rectification work has laid a good foundation.

Huang Ming said that advancing the household registration management special rectification work caught for 3 years, now has more than half of the time, to focus on pay close attention to the comprehensive mechanism and inspection work. Around not only to see cleanup reorganization made of results, also must awake to see, currently, still some deep of problem no solution, due to some place management based weak, management mechanism enough sound, also will appeared such as of problem, still in problem more sent period, on this, around to full recognize advance account registration management cleanup reorganization work of complexity, and difficult sex, to on people height is responsible for of spirit, timely found and seriously solution each a problem, Measures to improve the system and ensure its effective, well-established, efforts to lay a solid foundation for the establishment of a new registration system, create good conditions.

Huang Ming-requirements, public security organs at all levels to deal with accounts of cases did not relax for a moment, must always keep up strike pressure situation, find the clues, through a variety of means to carry out the investigation, looking for a fight, Chase, discover, investigate and demonstrate to society's firm determination to investigate and deal with illegal crime against trading account. To mobilize the masses to report, report workers who depend on the reward, while strict confidentiality for whistle-blowers; because of undeclared cleared or reported found, resolutely in accordance with rules hold people responsible. Meanwhile, to further perfect portrait than the technology mechanism, normal technical regulation system, error correction mechanism, efforts to plug the loopholes in the system, eliminate hidden dangers. To further improve work style, to the public matters of interest to the masses, let police consciousness in "glass house" in "Sun jobs", consciously accept supervision by society.

Huang Ming pointed out that public security organs at all levels should give full play to the function, working closely with the relevant departments, and no accounts officer located in solving problems that take public opinions, improve people's livelihood do good well. Is no implementation of the State Council on solving the problem of no account registration account of specific measures for the implementation of local, we will promptly formulate specific measures for further measures. To focus on diagnostic investigations, no account, thoroughly investigate the area no account number, distribution and causes of underlying conditions. To be settled in time, does not allow obstacles in the way for citizens to register, human issue of new accounts is not allowed.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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ID of household registration system the Ministry of public security

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  前5个月为近75万无户口人员办理户口 公民身份号码重号人数减至10人








责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

户籍制度 身份证 公安部


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