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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 7:17:10 Edit(编辑)
Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move

Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move(朝着构建中美新型大国关系奋力前行)



Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move _ news

Thousands of international situations, we can grasp the general trend of past and present, the long term can wing lap.

"The courage to play, move towards the construction of a new type of relations between China and direction", the eighth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of Sino-US cultural exchanges on the opening ceremony of the high-level consultation on United, XI Jinping predict, indicate a path for constructing a new type of relations between China and for bilateral strategic, economic and cultural communication, build consensus and reinvigorated. Key nodes in a future China-US relationship, once again demonstrated a responsible country wisdom and heart, peaceful development and win-win cooperation to the world the sincere desire.

History is always more enlightening on some important milestones. In 2013, the two heads of State made in annaboge Manor built a new type of relations between China and strategic choice. Chunhua qiushi, cultivated harvest. Both trade and two-way investments to create new record, also is a network, law enforcement and military exchanges to make new progress, or promote to realize a new breakthrough of the Paris agreement reached, steady development of Sino-US cooperation, the most fundamental revelation is insisted the conflict is not confrontation, mutual respect, cooperation and win-win principle, unswervingly promote the construction of a new type of relations between China and. Face the requirement of solidarity, cooperation and win-win, but with determination and confidence, patience and wisdom, both big picture, long-term perspective, then small, deposition of up to, and to promote a new type of relations between China and the construction of a solid pace.

Construction of China and the building of the new type of relations, strategic mutual trust is the cornerstone of mutually beneficial cooperation is tiles. "People without faith, I do not know. "Whether it be prevent clouds eye, is to avoid strategic miscalculation, enhance trust and dispel is urgent to promote the development of Sino-US relations. Only the firm belief that "Sino-US friendship and cooperation is the general trend, the desire, irresistible and irreversible", in deep water, fills a mountain spirit accumulate mutual trust, can be all the more solid the basis of Sino-US cooperation, to wider development space. As the largest developing country in the world, the biggest developed country and the former's two biggest economies, China and the US should work, also has many other possible areas of cooperation. From strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination to promoted 20 country group Hangzhou Summit made active results, from deepening two in climate changes, and network, and counter-terrorism, field exchange cooperation to strengthened both in major international and area and the global problem Shang of communication coordination, as long as Sino-US innovation thinking, mining cooperation potential, foster cooperation highlights, on can to two people brings more actual interests, for world peace, and stable, and prosperity provides more public products.

Sound Sino-US relations forward, it is necessary to constantly inject momentum, also facing reefs and dangerous shoals. "The Sun and moon light, night and day, there should be. "Chinese and American history, culture, social systems and public demand, and not the same, there is some disagreement, but disagreement is not terrible, key was not confrontational disagreements as reasons. Integration of depth of the interests of both countries, are influential countries in the world. Both history and reality show that China is beneficial, is hurt. As long as they think more from their specific situation, follow the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, adhere to the assimilation of differences, Poly, and regulatory differences in a pragmatic and constructive attitude, we have nothing against the Bank, Sino-US relations will be able to avoid interference. "Gentlemen and different. "Cooperation should be inclusive of the broad Pacific platform rather than national games arena. Around the extensive common interests between China and America, maintains a regular dialogue and cooperation to deal with the challenges, fostering common but non-exclusive "ring of friends" can introduce positive energy to maintaining prosperity and stability in the region.

Nourishing soil of Sino-American friendship, thick friendship between our two peoples is the source. "But their souls, into its long. "From people travelling between the two countries last year to nearly 5 million, mainland tourist visits to the United States to 3 million, Chinese students in the United States up to 310,000, growing increasingly close personnel exchanges and communication, promote both countries from Governments to civil, from political to cultural exchanges in various fields and constantly deepened. To continue to expand local, think-tanks, media, youth, community communication channels, building more platforms, and providing greater convenience for exchanges, will continue to consolidate the Sino-American friendship society and the public Foundation, Sino-US friendly XING Huo, generation after generation.

"Green hills hide, flowing eastward". China's development will never stop, and mutually beneficial cooperation is the general trend. As long as our firm and perseverance, we will be able to promote the development of a new type of relations between China and the construction of more and better benefit the two peoples and peoples and make new and greater contribution to human civilization and progress.

Responsible editor: Ms. fan Ying Wu

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