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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 7:17:07 Edit(编辑)
Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move _ Sina news

Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move _ Sina news(朝着构建中美新型大国关系奋力前行_新浪新闻)



Toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 6-question: toward constructing a new type of relations between China and move--XI Jinping's President in the eighth round of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of high-level consultations on Sino-American cultural exchange joint opening ceremony speech

Xinhua News Agency commentator

Thousands of international situations, we can grasp the general trend of past and present, the long term can wing lap.

"The courage to play, move towards the construction of a new type of relations between China and direction", the eighth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of Sino-US cultural exchanges on the opening ceremony of the high-level consultation on United, XI Jinping predict, indicate a path for constructing a new type of relations between China and for bilateral strategic, economic and cultural communication, build consensus and reinvigorated. Key nodes in a future China-US relationship, once again demonstrated a responsible country wisdom and heart, peaceful development and win-win cooperation to the world the sincere desire.

History is always more enlightening on some important milestones. In 2013, the two heads of State made in annaboge Manor built a new type of relations between China and strategic choice. Chunhua qiushi, cultivated harvest. Both trade and two-way investments to create new record, also is a network, law enforcement and military exchanges to make new progress, or promote to realize a new breakthrough of the Paris agreement reached, steady development of Sino-US cooperation, the most fundamental revelation is insisted the conflict is not confrontation, mutual respect, cooperation and win-win principle, unswervingly promote the construction of a new type of relations between China and. Face the requirement of solidarity, cooperation and win-win, but with determination and confidence, patience and wisdom, both big picture, long-term perspective, then small, deposition of up to, and to promote a new type of relations between China and the construction of a solid pace.

Construction of China and the building of the new type of relations, strategic mutual trust is the cornerstone of mutually beneficial cooperation is tiles. "People without faith, I do not know. "Whether it be prevent clouds eye, is to avoid strategic miscalculation, enhance trust and dispel is urgent to promote the development of Sino-US relations. Only the firm belief that "Sino-US friendship and cooperation is the general trend, the desire, irresistible and irreversible", in deep water, fills a mountain spirit accumulate mutual trust, can be all the more solid the basis of Sino-US cooperation, to wider development space. As the largest developing country in the world, the biggest developed country and the former's two biggest economies, China and the US should work, also has many other possible areas of cooperation. From strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination to promoted 20 country group Hangzhou Summit made active results, from deepening two in climate changes, and network, and counter-terrorism, field exchange cooperation to strengthened both in major international and area and the global problem Shang of communication coordination, as long as Sino-US innovation thinking, mining cooperation potential, foster cooperation highlights, on can to two people brings more actual interests, for world peace, and stable, and prosperity provides more public products.

Sound Sino-US relations forward, it is necessary to constantly inject momentum, also facing reefs and dangerous shoals. "The Sun and moon light, night and day, there should be. "Chinese and American history, culture, social systems and public demand, and not the same, there is some disagreement, but disagreement is not terrible, key was not confrontational disagreements as reasons. Integration of depth of the interests of both countries, are influential countries in the world. Both history and reality show that China is beneficial, is hurt. As long as they think more from their specific situation, follow the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, adhere to the assimilation of differences, Poly, and regulatory differences in a pragmatic and constructive attitude, we have nothing against the Bank, Sino-US relations will be able to avoid interference. "Gentlemen and different. "Cooperation should be inclusive of the broad Pacific platform rather than national games arena. Around the extensive common interests between China and America, maintains a regular dialogue and cooperation to deal with the challenges, fostering common but non-exclusive "ring of friends" can introduce positive energy to maintaining prosperity and stability in the region.

Nourishing soil of Sino-American friendship, thick friendship between our two peoples is the source. "But their souls, into its long. "From people travelling between the two countries last year to nearly 5 million, mainland tourist visits to the United States to 3 million, Chinese students in the United States up to 310,000, growing increasingly close personnel exchanges and communication, promote both countries from Governments to civil, from political to cultural exchanges in various fields and constantly deepened. To continue to expand local, think-tanks, media, youth, community communication channels, building more platforms, and providing greater convenience for exchanges, will continue to consolidate the Sino-American friendship society and the public Foundation, Sino-US friendly XING Huo, generation after generation.

"Green hills hide, flowing eastward". China's development will never stop, and mutually beneficial cooperation is the general trend. As long as our firm and perseverance, we will be able to promote the development of a new type of relations between China and the construction of more and better benefit the two peoples and peoples and make new and greater contribution to human civilization and progress.

Responsible editor: Li Liangliang

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Xinhua News Agency

  新华社北京6月6日电 题:朝着构建中美新型大国关系奋力前行——评习近平主席在第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式重要讲话



  “勇于担当,朝着构建中美新型大国关系的方向奋力前行”,第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式上,习近平主席鉴往 知来,为构建中美新型大国关系指明路径,为两国在战略、经济和人文领域深入沟通、积累共识注入动力。在中美关系发展承前启后的关键节点,再次展现一个负责 任大国的智慧与胸怀,向世界传递了和平发展、合作共赢的真诚愿望。

  历史,总是在一些重要时间节点上更能给人启迪。2013年,两国元首在安纳伯格庄园作出构建中美新型大国关系的战略抉择。春华秋实,耕耘收获。 无论是贸易额和双向投资创造新纪录,还是网络、执法和两军交往取得新进展,或是推动达成《巴黎协定》实现新突破,中美合作稳步发展,最根本的启示就是坚持 不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的原则,坚定不移推进中美新型大国关系建设。面对同舟共济、合作共赢的时代要求,唯有拿出决心和信心,保持耐心和智慧, 既大处着眼、登高望远,又小处着手、积微成著,才能推动中美新型大国关系建设不断迈出坚实步伐。

  构建中美新型大国关系的大厦,战略互信是基石,互利合作是砖瓦。“人而无信,不知其可也。”无论是防止浮云遮眼,还是避免战略误判,增信释疑都 是推动中美关系发展的当务之急。只有坚信“中美友好与合作是大势所趋、人心所向,不可阻挡、不可逆转”,以积水成渊、积土成山的精神积累互信,中美合作的 基础才能愈发坚实,发展空间才能更为广阔。作为世界上最大发展中国家、最大发达国家和前两大经济体,中美两国既应该合作,也拥有诸多可以合作的领域。从加 强宏观经济政策协调到推动二十国集团杭州峰会取得积极成果,从深化两国在气候变化、网络、反恐等领域交流合作到强化双方在重大国际和地区及全球性问题上的 沟通协调,只要中美创新思维,挖掘合作潜力,培育合作亮点,就能给两国人民带来更多实际利益,为世界和平、稳定、繁荣提供更多公共产品。

  中美关系稳健前行,既要不断注入前进动力,也须共同面对暗礁险滩。“日月不同光,昼夜各有宜。”中美两国历史、文化、社会制度、民众诉求等不尽 相同,双方存在一些分歧,但有分歧并不可怕,关键是不要把分歧当成采取对抗态度的理由。中美两国利益深度交融,都是具有世界影响的大国。历史和现实都表 明,中美合则两利,斗则俱伤。只要双方多从对方具体处境着想,遵循相互尊重、平等相待原则,坚持求同存异、聚同化异,以务实和建设性态度管控分歧,就没有 过不去的坎,中美关系就能避免受到大的干扰。“君子和而不同。”宽广的太平洋应该成为包容合作的大平台而不是各国博弈的竞技场。中美两国围绕广泛共同利 益,保持经常性对话,以合作应对挑战,培育共同而非排他的“朋友圈”,才能为维护地区繁荣稳定注入更多正能量。

  滋养中美友好土壤,厚植两国人民友谊是源头活水。“惟以心相交,方成其久远。”从去年两国人员往来近500万人次,到大陆赴美旅游人次300 万、赴美中国留学生达31万,日趋增多的人员往来、日益密切的交流沟通,推动中美两国从政府到民间、从政经到人文各领域交往不断加深。继续拓宽两国地方、 智库、媒体、青年、社会各界的交流渠道,为交往搭建更多平台、提供更多便利,必将不断夯实中美友好的社会和民众基础,让中美友好薪火相传、生生不息。




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