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These details to light relationship _ Sina news

These details to light relationship _ Sina news(这些细节点亮中美关系_新浪新闻)



These details to light _ Sino-US relations news

Original title: a new type of relations between China and the construction of 3 years

These details to light relationship

Reporter Chai Yi Fei

On June 6, the second day of March in the 24 solar terms. This is wheat and other crops waiting for harvest days and days of further achievements in the development of Sino-US relations.

Beijing, Diaoyutai, the eighth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of high-level consultations on Sino-American cultural exchange kicked off here. XI Jinping, China's President at the joint opening ceremony and entitled the and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and the important speech.

Time, sometimes rare coincidence occurs on the node. 3 years ago, in early June, Sino-US exchanges also occurred in a landmark event: the annaboge Manor across the Pacific, the Chinese President held an informal meeting with President Barack Obama, will work together to build a new type of relations between China and reached a consensus.

No pain, no pain, no gain. 3 years, the bilateral cooperation at the bilateral, regional and global levels in many areas, and promote the development of bilateral relations score new achievements. Hard won achievements, gave us a lot of inspiration, and insisted the conflict is not confrontation, mutual respect, cooperation and win-win principle, it is one of the most fundamental.

Also, along the way, many of the little details that make us unforgettable, moving, these details to light the development of Sino-US relations.

"Close interaction" brings in-depth exchange of

Exchange of the two powers, most representative, the interaction between the two heads of State. This interaction is frequent, close, you can see how a "partner".

"Meet Manor", St Petersburg meeting, the Hague meeting, "top night", "autumn gatherings at the White House" ... ... From 2013, between XI and President Obama, have conducted a number of meetings, sometimes for a State visit, sometimes using clearance to attend international conferences. And mutual communication between calling is countless. In September of this year, the two sides are expected to meet again at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou.

If a tie, wearing suit, meeting with government officials sitting on either side of the table was filled with "courtesy", then the more relaxed informal meeting, both sides can open up communication, to conduct in-depth and extensive communication.

On June 7, 2013 to 8th United States annaboge Manor, a tie, two meetings, a dinner, go for a walk with ... ... XI Jinping met with Mr Obama face-to-face and Exchange time add up to more than 8 hours. This form is a creation of the Sino-US high-level exchanges.

In 2014, Yingtai in Zhongnanhai in Beijing, reflecting the bright moonlight, XI introduces Ying to Obama's history. Here, the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing dynasty used to develop calm civil unrest, regain Taiwan's national strategy, Emperor Guangxu was imprisoned in hundred-Empress Dowager Cixi after the failure. XI said to Obama, understanding of modern Chinese history to understand the Chinese people today the ideal and the road ahead is very important. Obama has responded with emotion: "we're talking very deep tonight, further deepening my understanding of China's situation and the Chinese Government and leaders of the ruling idea of understanding. I understand why the Chinese people cherish national unity and stability. "Nearly 3 hours of exchanges between the two sides until 23 o'clock at night before waving goodbye.

In 2015, the leaders of both countries in the long night of wind and along Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House to the Blair here, during a 3-hour meeting, governance, Sino-US relations and in-depth exchange of views on major issues of common concern.

Interaction between the two heads of State only part of the intimate exchange of the two countries. More forms of communication are taking place at all levels, in various fields.

Such as the China-us strategic and economic dialogue and cultural exchange between China and high-level consultations. From the first round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue opened in July 2009, after each year, this dialogue will be held in alternating between Washington and Beijing. On bilateral trade and investment, on the protection of intellectual property rights, network security, climate change, regardless of which one, the Deputy Prime Minister-level officials of China and United States Secretary of State, will be there, two ministerial-level officials are participating in the dialogue and consultations over dozens of places.

Also has like in military field, Sino-US both of General in Shangri-La Forum times for communication dialogue, 2014 yilai, China two times participate in by United States led of "ring Pacific" series military exercises; in trade field, Sino-US entrepreneurs through Summit, and Symposium, variety form looking for cooperation opportunity, advance cooperation; in place cooperation field, Sino-US Zhijian of Province State cooperation, and friendly city visits in continued for; in Humanities Exchange field, "Sino-US tourism years" of opened, and youth create guest of talent competition, and Exchange of visits between the two peoples, and bring awareness of new opportunities.

Communication to understand; to understand, to have the potential to become closer.

Win-win cooperation fruitful

Bilateral trade amount over 500 billion dollars, both various investment up 120 billion dollars above, China enterprise in United States directly investment growth quickly, almost throughout United States the State; two Zhijian each 17 minutes on has a flights landing, average daily 12,000 people from Yu Sino-US Zhijian; both for other national business, and tourism personnel issued 10 times visa, for study personnel issued 5 years times visa; Sino-US two has established 43 on friendly Province State, and 200 on friendly city......

No matter what ups and downs between China and, the cooperation brings results are very significant, and their components far exceeding those unpleasant friction and discord.

2014 "Ying Taiwan lie" Hou, Sino-US heads met reached 27 items consensus and results, covers bilateral, and area and global level; 2015 XI President visit beauty during, both reached 49 items results listing, which both agreed continues to efforts building based on mutual respect, and cooperation total win of Sino-US new powers relationship, principle consensus, also has China about enterprise and Boeing Company signed purchase 300 frame aircraft of agreement, and China announced future 3 years will help the two countries a total of 50,000 students to each other's country specific cooperation projects.

In addition, so far, the first seven rounds of economic talks today reached 469 results, cultural exchanges between China and high-level consultation mechanism established for 6 years to reach consensus over more than 400 results. This year, dialogue and consultation will also have amazing harvest.

As the world's two great powers, mutual cooperation not only between the two countries, is to show collective responsibility and play, to provide better global governance, maintain, and make unremitting efforts to build a more reasonable international order.

In recent years, the two heads of State on climate change, nuclear security, on many occasions the Korean peninsula issues, Ukraine issues, Afghanistan problems and a series of related issues at the international level to exchange views and mutual cooperation in some key moments, advancing the constructive results achieved. In 2015, the Paris Conference, the landmark passage of the Paris agreement. After the United States said President Barack Obama in a telephone conversation with Chinese President, thanked the Chinese side for the success of the General Assembly made outstanding contributions to the Paris agreement. In fact, the agreements reached, the two sides repeated communication, and issued a joint declaration. The Iranian nuclear negotiations, the nuclear security Summit, the two countries also carried out cooperation on the basis of consensus.

"The United States welcomes a stable, peaceful and prosperous China and play a role in World Affairs, and look forward to the United States and work together to meet global challenges. "In the eighth round of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of high-level consultations on Sino-American cultural exchange in the written speech, Obama said.

Dialogue to avoid "Thucydides trap"

"A current of power with a rising power, interdependence, common interest linked together. "In the face of new situation of Sino-US cooperation, Brzezinski the veteran strategists have not changed" the first time in human history, "lamented.

In fact, Brzezinski a few people with similar emotion or confusion, and affect their thoughts and look at problems, was named "Thucydides trap" concept.

This concept from ancient Greece the historian Thucydides. In his view, when a rising power with the ruler of supremacy competition, conflict between both sides, ended in war. In the book history of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides to Athens and Sparta wars as an example: the rise the rise of Athens and Sparta to Athens fears that made war inevitable. Since part of the iron law of international relations scholars have also been regarded as a, the occurrence of two world wars and the cold war, attributed to the existence of this trap.

But the trap does not necessarily exist or even between the US and China. On the concept, this a claims distorted has repair shake end of de of intended, because "repair shake end of de trap" of two a elements respectively is emerging powers increasingly growth of strength and conservative powers of fear and anti-business, cannot unilateral hype former and ignored which; on the chances, proved this a trap of powers rise and fall case only is modern yilai of more than 10 times statistics, and cannot became "big data", more cannot with of forecast future; on the culture, China has always been emphasizes "King", advocates "Concord IMC", no "repair shake end of de trap" of history gene.

XI Jinping, the world and there is no "Thucydides trap", but repeated strategic miscalculation between power, it could cause yourself "Thucydides trap"; Obama also said, do not approve of conservative powers and emerging giants will clash "Thucydides trap".

This is where both sides stressed dialogue, mutual respect and understanding of why. Because only the mutual understanding, especially knowing each other's core interests in order to avoid miscalculations, regulatory differences and sensitive issues properly, prevent the occurrence of tragedies. "Both have their own characteristics, history, culture, social systems and public demand, and not the same, there is some disagreement is inevitable. The world is diverse, and no world without differences. "" Differences are not terrible, key was not confrontational disagreements as reasons. ”

"Green hills hide, flowing eastward". The River winding in the world, after many twists and turns, eventually flowing into the sea. Relations between China and the same. As the Chinese President said, as long as our firm and perseverance, we will be able to promote the development of a new type of relations between China and the construction of more and better benefit the two peoples and peoples. --This is our common pursuit.

Source: people's network-people's daily overseas edition

Responsible editor: Li Liangliang

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  本报记者 柴逸扉








  “庄园会晤”、圣彼得堡会晤、海牙会晤、“瀛台夜话”、“白宫秋叙”……从2013年至今,习近平主席与奥巴马总统之间,已进行了多次会面,有时是因 为国事访问,有时则利用参加国际会议的间隙。而相互间的通信通话更是不计其数。今年9月,双方有望在G20杭州峰会上再度会面。



  2014年,北京中南海瀛台,映着皎洁的月光,习近平向奥巴马介绍起瀛台的历史。在这里,清朝的康熙皇帝曾经研究制定平定内乱、收复台湾的国家方略, 光绪皇帝曾在百日维新失败后被慈禧太后囚禁在此。习近平向奥巴马表示,了解中国近代以来的历史对理解中国人民今天的理想和前进道路很重要。奥巴马则有所感 慨地回应:“我们今晚的交谈非常深入,进一步加深了我对中国的情况以及中国政府和领导人执政理念的了解。我更加理解中国人民为何珍惜国家统一和稳定。”双 方进行了近3个小时的交流,直到夜里23时多才挥手告别。



  比如中美战略与经济对话和中美人文交流高层磋商。从2009年7月开启首轮中美战略与经济对话,之后的每一年,这一对话都会在华盛顿和北京之间轮流举 办。谈双边贸易和投资,谈保护知识产权,谈网络安全,谈气候变化,不论哪一次,中国的副总理级别官员和美国国务卿都会到场,两国参加对话与磋商的部级官员 都不下数十位。

  还有像在军事领域,中美双方的将领在香格里拉论坛多次进行沟通对话,2014年以来,中国两次参加由美国主导的“环太平洋”系列军事演习;在经贸领 域,中美企业家通过峰会、座谈会等多种形式寻找合作契机,推进合作;在地方合作领域,中美之间的省州合作、友好城市互访在持续进行;在人文交流领域,“中 美旅游年”的开启、青年创客的才华比拼、两国人民的互访交流,带来了增进认识的新契机。



  双边贸易额超过5000亿美元,双方各类投资达1200亿美元以上,中国企业在美国直接投资增长迅速,几乎遍布美国各州;两国之间每17分钟就有一个 航班起降,平均每天1.2万人来往于中美之间;双方为对方国家商务、旅游人员颁发10年多次签证,为留学人员颁发5年多次签证;中美两国已建立43对友好 省州、200对友好城市……


  2014年“瀛台夜话”后,中美元首会晤达成27项共识和成果,涵盖双边、地区和全球层面;2015年习近平主席访美期间,双方达成49项成果清单, 其中既有同意继续努力构建基于相互尊重、合作共赢的中美新型大国关系等原则性共识,也有中国有关企业与波音公司签署购买300架飞机的协议、中方宣布未来 3年将资助中美两国共5万名留学生到对方国家学习等具体合作项目。



  近年来,两国元首多次就气候变化、核安全、朝鲜半岛问题、乌克兰问题、阿富汗问题等一系列涉及国际层面的议题交换意见,并在一些关键时刻相互合作,推 进建设性成果的取得。在2015年的巴黎气候大会上,具有里程碑意义的《巴黎协定》获得通过。会后美国总统奥巴马在与习近平主席通电话时表示,感谢中方为 大会成功达成《巴黎协定》作出突出贡献。事实上,为了这份协定的达成,中美双方多次沟通,并一同发表联合声明。伊核问题谈判、核安全峰会,中美两国同样在 获得共识的基础上推进合作的开展。





  这一概念源自古希腊历史学家修昔底德。在他看来,当一个崛起的大国与既有的统治者霸主竞争时,双方面临的矛盾冲突,多以战争告终。在巨著《伯罗奔尼撒 战争史》中,修昔底德以雅典和斯巴达的战争为例:雅典的崛起以及斯巴达对于雅典崛起的担心,使得战争无法避免。此后的部分国际关系学者更是奉此为铁律,将 两次世界大战与冷战的发生,归咎于这一陷阱的存在。

  但所谓的这一陷阱并非一定存在,甚至一定会在中美之间发生。论概念,这一说法歪曲了修昔底德的本意,因为“修昔底德陷阱”的两个要素分别是新兴大国日 益增长的实力与守成大国的恐惧和反制,不能单方面炒作前者而忽视后者;论几率,证明这一陷阱的大国兴衰事例仅是近代以来的十几次统计,并不能成为“大数 据”,更不能用之预测未来;论文化,中国历来讲求“王道”,主张“协和万邦”,没有“修昔底德陷阱”的历史基因。


  这也正是双方强调沟通对话,相互尊重、理解的原因。因为只有相互了解,尤其是知道对方的核心利益所在,才能有效避免误判,妥善管控分歧和敏感问题,防 止悲剧发生。“中美两国各具特色,历史、文化、社会制度、民众诉求等不尽相同,双方存在一些分歧是难以避免的。世界是多样的,没有分歧就没有世界。”“有 了分歧并不可怕,关键是不要把分歧当成采取对抗态度的理由。”

  “青山遮不住,毕竟东流去”。天下的大江大河千回百转,历经多少曲折,最终都会奔流到海。中美间的关系同样如此。正如习近平主席所说,只要我们坚定方 向、锲而不舍,就一定能推动中美新型大国关系建设得到更大发展,更好造福两国人民和各国人民。——这正是两国共同的追求。




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