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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 7:15:18 Edit(编辑)
Iron in General: high speed rail speed no problem, whether the speed increase to be fully demonstrated

Iron in General: high speed rail speed no problem, whether the speed increase to be fully demonstrated(中铁总:高铁提速没有问题,是否提速需充分论证)



Iron in General: high-speed train speed did not question whether speed full demonstration

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 7 (reporter Fan Xi)-China Railway Corporation told reporters he Huawu, Chief Engineer of 7th and speed back up to 350 km HSR in technology and safety, there is no problem, but if speed remains to be proved.

In "the 13th International exhibition on modern railway technology and equipment" after the news briefing, he Huawu told reporters that China's existing 300 km the highest running speed in line with requirements of the current stage of development, is reasonable, but from a technical and safety point of view, up to 350 km per hour no problem.

He said, currently in the iron will always limit the top speed to 300 km, mainly based on operating costs and maintenance costs. If you set the maximum speed of up to 350 km, EMU running costs, such as electricity costs and losses will increase, therefore to consider many factors, including the economy.

"Acceleration when speed needs to be proved. "He said.

By the end of 2015, China's railway mileage has reached to 121,000 km, in which high-speed rail more than 19,000 km, world high railway operating mileage of more than 60%, is the fastest high-speed railway development, the largest country in the world. From June 20 to 22nd, sponsored by total iron in "the 13th International exhibition on modern railway technology and equipment" will be opened in Beijing, there will be representatives from 16 countries and regions exhibiting nearly 260 domestic enterprises and units.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-07 19:26:11
中铁总:高铁提速没有问题 是否提速需充分论证






(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-07 19:26:11

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