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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 7:15:16 Edit(编辑)
Hong Kong media: overseas mergers and acquisitions surge have only just begun, and will last for at least 5 years

Hong Kong media: overseas mergers and acquisitions surge have only just begun, and will last for at least 5 years(港媒:中企海外并购潮才刚开始,将持续至少5年)



Hong Kong media: overseas mergers and acquisitions surge have only just begun | overseas mergers and acquisitions _ will last for at least 5 years news

Reference news, June 7, local media said, Robin salty Truong Quoc Tuan said on June 6, a partner in China, since last year, the number of mainland enterprises ' overseas mergers and acquisitions transactions and transaction amounts record highs, this trend will continue for at least 5 years, because mainland enterprises internationalization has only just begun.

Hong Kong commercial daily reported on June 7, Truong Quoc Tuan said 2015 number of mainland enterprises ' overseas mergers and acquisitions transactions surged 41% to record highs; the first quarter of 2016, mainland enterprises ' overseas mergers and acquisitions transactions amounted to us $ 82.6 billion, more than any year in the past transaction amount.

Truong Quoc Tuan said that the occurrence of this phenomenon to the inevitable demand of mainland enterprises development. Most companies have long done the domestic market in the Mainland, few relate to international market.

As China's economy and enterprise development, some companies started exporting products to foreign countries. If you want to give a higher level of development, to become multinational corporations, has its own production and sales networks abroad.

"Overseas production and sales network in two ways, one is to build their own, first overseas 併 purchase. Build their own difficult, sometimes ineffective, so overseas mergers and acquisitions become one of the shortcuts. ”

Truong Quoc Tuan said. Truong Quoc Tuan, said the emergence of Chinese enterprises ' overseas 併 buying boom and the economic downturn in Europe and America in recent years, relatively low property value assessment related, which provided opportunities for large-scale overseas 併 purchase.

Robin salty report also showed that private enterprises ' overseas mergers and acquisitions activity covers more industries in 2015, technology manufacturer, brand, and customer resources of consumer goods companies, enhance the attention to lifestyle media and entertainment enterprises and private enterprises are focused on target.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Overseas mergers and acquisitions

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港媒:中企海外并购潮才刚开始 将持续至少5年|海外并购_新闻资讯

  参考消息网6月7日报道 港媒称,罗宾咸中国合伙人张国俊6月6日表示,去年以来,内地企业海外并购交易数量和交易金额屡创历史新高,这种趋势还将持续至少5年,因为内地企业的国际化才刚刚开始。







责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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