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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:54:44 Edit(编辑)
Professor Fang Jie hit readers ’ letters pretending to be a thesis, official response,

Professor Fang Jie hit readers ’ letters pretending to be a thesis, official response,(方舟子揭哈工大教授将读者来信冒充论文,官方回应,)



Professor Fang Jie hit readers ' letters pretending to be a thesis, official response-Fang, fraud-IT information

Recently, Fang in new threads on the blog to contemporary Han Xueyu – high grade of the international academic journal "thesis" theme on crash Act found in Miao Xin, a professor with Harbin Institute of technology school of management academic misconduct. Fang points out in the article, Miao Xin wrote in nature, the journal Science reflects China's one hundred or two hundred letters of the word, "high quality academic papers" included on behalf of CVS. Fang said that academic misconduct and portrayed in the novel the siege of academic fraud Han Xueyu "great minds think alike". Fang also questioned calls, you need to check the "thesis" as Miao Xin honors with research projects play a role?

5th, Harbin Institute of technology said in an exclusive response to this, Miao Xin did in school professional titles evaluation material and personnel selection to fill out this type of "paper", but not as a basis for evaluation and selection.

Fang said in the article, Miao Xin in their resume, "nearly three years the main academic paper" column in seven in the United Kingdom in nature (Nature), one in the United States in science (Science) of the "thesis", found in its original form, the "thesis" is one hundred or two hundred-word chunks of reviews, readers ' letters. For example, Fang said, Miao Xin published scientific papers on Science Ethics: young scientists voice, only more than 100 characters, is science, selected letters on scientific issues, but Miao Xin under his personal information on the page will be categorized as its own "nearly three years the main academic paper" résumés.

Fang also said the domestic industry now pay attention in international academic journals, especially the high grade of the international academic journal papers, these papers is a member of the professional title evaluation and outcome of the capital. And a high level international journals such as Miao Xin "crash" internally there has been general routine is writing letters to these journals, comments on a paper published in the journal new, or reflect the situation in China, printed, is equivalent to the published paper.

China Youth Daily: China Youth online journalists retrieve to verify, Miao Xin nearly 3 years published in the nature of the seven "thesis", in nature communications program, about 200 words. 2014, Miao Xin in natural communications column published has topics for education: China General University running target of adjustment of 232 Word communications articles Shi, Harbin University of technology news network published has entitled administered by College teachers and students in < natural > published communications articles a paper be reported, and in online can retrieved to of Harbin University of technology management College 2014 College memorabilia in the, the hospital will this a articles of published as "College research work again create success" of 6 items results one of.

According to Google snapshot capture on May 31 this year, 10:46, Miao Xin, the school teacher's information on individual pages of the Web site, these "paper" as "nearly three years the main academic paper". But for now, his personal page "in recent years, main article" into the "Article Type" (paper type) of articles and "type of Letter" (communication) articles. Among them, the Fang in the naming of the 8 articles in nature and the science of "papers" have been reclassified to "type of Letter" (communication) articles.

Miao Xin teachers ' information on your personal page also mentioned that Miao Xin, Professor, mentor, United Kingdom, Oxford University Harbin Institute of technology, Hong Kong academics, employment of young talents program entrants is responsible for more than more than 10 national and provincial research projects, published more than 40 articles, which as the first author or corresponding author of SCI, SSCI articles, more than 20 papers.

5th afternoon, Harbin University of technology on thing to China Youth reported exclusive do has written response, the response said Miao Xin in participation school within technology positions titles and talent selection Shi, does have will the class "papers" and academic papers together submitted of situation, at, judges are consistent think the class "papers" cannot as academic level evaluation of according to, but does not effect "on he of research potential and research give has is high of evaluation". According to colleagues Miao Xin, Miao Xin himself apart from this "paper", there are many other high level academic papers.

Harbin Institute of technology provides a hit on Miao Xin "employment of young talents program" in the peer table, "specific comments" column under "Miao Xin's academic contributions, published in nature and science estimates that may be critical of something, rather than a research paper, a few problems as a basis for major academic contribution. "But it also refers to" Miao Xin material, this is an outstanding young scholar, at risk and application management area, in the area of environmental governance, do a lot of research ... ... Published many academic papers both in English, is a great potential of outstanding scholars, the adoption of ' best appointment plan. ' "

Harbin Institute of technology offers a hit of "employment of young talents program" peer Miao Xin wrote also a similar assessment in the form of, "have great potential for research and development, more prominent results, it is recommended that ' natural ' and ' science ' never be evaluated article, because the article does not represent the policy papers. ”

Harbin is also exclusive to the China Youth daily said in response, "school to the academic level of each teacher finds are very stringent, and any attempt to fish in troubled waters, muddling through will not succeed. For this type of comments published in well-known foreign academic journals articles and policy articles, schools will only be regarded as a reference of teachers ' sense of social responsibility in, not as a basis for evaluation of academic level. ”

方舟子揭哈工大教授将读者来信冒充论文,官方回应 - 方舟子,学术造假 - IT资讯












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