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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:53:42 Edit(编辑)
HTC, so how can you save yourself? ,

HTC, so how can you save yourself? ,(HTC,你如何才能拯救自己?,)



HTC, so how can you save yourself? -HTC,VR, Cher Wang, HTC Vive-IT information

Recent news on HTC Vive, good and bad.

A latest report said HTC during Taipei computer show show a the Front Defense game, developed independently by HTC, the resulting "HTC will personally develop virtual reality games follow the Oculus" discussion. Subsequently, theHTC executives confirmed to the media, the future of the company will develop more VR games .

I have to say, this is a wise move – content is King.

Were determined by HTC, or talk to it in the field related to the current biggest rival Oculus VR. Oculus is one of first VR equipment manufacturers, relatively speaking, HTC Vive started much later. Unlike the HTC is, apart from Oculus Rift Oculus head outside and handles, also has been working to develop gaming content.

HTC to work with Valve is not exclusive. Current content of the latter also for Oculus Rift, in contents and resources a monopoly environment, HTC advantage is not obvious, she tried to play down the impact. She said that when two people love each other, not separated or married will separate , "Steam platform will go to download the contents of the Steam platform, including the Oculus is the same from day one knows things. But if there is anyone to 360-degree Room-scale, only we, development techniques with them only, no Oculus. ”

It means HTC Vive in content, it is easy to accept.

And just last month, seems to confirm my opinion, HTC Vive was suppressed by the Oculus. On May 22, the foreign media reported that the Oculus Rift after an update, blocked access to a software called Revive, this software allows users to run on HTC Vive Oculus Rift exclusive games, such as the Lucky's of the Tale and the Oculus of the Dreamdeck.

Oculus Rift apparently to suppress it rival HTC Vive, and is taken for granted. This thing HTC knocks a alarm that no exclusive content is clearly not the core competitiveness .

Prior to that, HTC Vive relies on close collaboration with Valve can concentrate on hardware, now, HTC Vive has won the recognition of many consumers in many field surveys and third-party statistics, HTC Vive has overtaken Oculus Rift as the best VR in the eyes of consumers.

This HTC the ill-fated phone maker is obviously a wonderful thing. HTC mobile phone industry's rapid fall has become an indisputable fact that, if you use one word to describe, it is currently only "alive". Good news is, HTC acutely caught VR the straw, although it is later, but its results have been very impressive. On February 29, HTC Vive opens global pre, less than 10 minutes, the reservation more than 15000 units.

HTC to Vive the enthusiasm also deserves recognition, since the second half of last year in Beijing, Shenzhen and other Developer Summit was held, trying to instigate the enthusiasm of developers to enrich VR contents as soon as possible.

In addition, HTC Vive current HTC Chairman Cher Wang to be more important than phone, her every appearance will talk about HTC Vive. Not an HTC officially confirmed details, within your company, when you report mobile phones businesses related to her work, she does not want to hear, but you talk to her about VR, for Vive, she is very excited.

HTC now want to be talked about is the ever brilliant mobile phone business, because it is that performance sucks!

According to TechWeb reported, on June 2, she apologised to shareholders in its annual report, due 2015 HTC performance worse. HTC reported first quarter of 2016, company revenues of 14.8 billion new Taiwan dollars (about 460 million dollars), down by 65%; an operating loss of 4.8 billion new Taiwan dollars (about US $ 148 million) and an operating margin of-32.4%. This is the HTC mired in losses for four consecutive quarters, were unable to extricate themselves in the mud.

Facing losses, HTC are pinning their hopes on the VR. Zhang Jialin has previously said HTC Chief Financial Officer, HTC Vive will provide new impetus to promote HTC profits. At the meeting, she also describes the future of VR. She further stated that corporate restructuring continues, companies are still looking for new business, such as VR and smart watches.

There is no denying that her aunt catching greater opportunities have always been the leitmotif. When she first caught the Smartphone opportunity make HTC Android camp's boss, and this time pay close attention to the VR, is now good. Tiger sniff the author Mao Lin evaluation HTC and Ms Wang:

Marketing is the soft underbelly of the HTC, HTC cell phones down ham video can see phone's whole career has failed to come up with efficient kick-ass advertising creative, but aunt forward-looking worthy of admiration of snow, Smartphone boom caught, VR is not falling .

HTC's priority should be to split VR business as soon as possible, but not the mobile phone business that bad with salted fish, I gave three reasons, now the same applies:

1. split help improve the overall valuation , for investors to give HTC VR business valuations more objective, and even their VR valuation than the parent company's valuation is not impossible, 1+1>1, and even 1+1>2 the truth is obvious. This can refer to a famous event company practices;

2. HTC give the impression it was a Smartphone company , and bruising of the Smartphone has become HTC shares, although good or HTC on the VR can boost its share price, but not in the long term has helped its shares rise from February 2015 Vive released HTC's shares stumbled trend can be seen;

3. split as long as good VR this story (current marketing HTC bruising), opened a couple of worldwide Developers Conference, HTC makes the market a positive voice, brilliant is not impossible to reproduce year VR business phone business, at present only products that can compete with them and only Oculus Rift.

Remembrance and hope HTC can use VR turn and wish not like mobile phones businesses that set up early to catch a night.

HTC,你如何才能拯救自己? - HTC,VR,王雪红,HTC Vive - IT资讯

近日关于HTC Vive的消息不断,好的,坏的。

最新的一篇报道称,HTC在台北电脑展期间展示了一款名为《Front Defense》的游戏,由HTC自主研发,由此带来“HTC将效仿Oculus亲自开发更多虚拟现实游戏”的讨论。随后,HTC高管也对媒体证实,未来该公司将会亲自开发更多的VR游戏


让HTC下定决心的,或跟它在VR领域当前最大的竞争对手Oculus有关。Oculus是最早推出VR设备的厂商之一,相对而言,HTC Vive的起步要晚很多。与HTC不同的是,Oculus除了有Oculus Rift头显和手柄以外,还一直致力于自主开发游戏内容。

HTC跟Valve的合作并非独家。目前后者也在为Oculus Rift输出内容,在目前动辄谈内容和资源垄断的环境下,HTC的优势并不明显,王雪红极力淡化这种影响。她表示,当两个人互相相爱的时候就不会分开,不然的话结婚也会分开,“Steam的平台,什么人都会去下载Steam平台的内容,包括Oculus也是一样,从第一天开始就知道的事情。但是如果说有任何人要360度的Room-scale,只有我们,跟他们一起发展技术的只有我们,没有Oculus。”

这意味着HTC Vive在内容上很容易受制于人。

而就在上个月,似乎印证了我当时的观点,HTC Vive遭到了Oculus的打压。5月22日,有外媒报道称,Oculus Rift在一次更新后,屏蔽了一款叫Revive的软件,这款软件可以让用户在HTC Vive上运行Oculus Rift的独占游戏,比如《Lucky's Tale》和《Oculus Dreamdeck》。

Oculus Rift这么做显然是为了打压它的竞争对手HTC Vive,并显得理所当然。这件事儿给HTC敲了个警钟,即没有独家内容显然就没有核心竞争力

此前,HTC Vive仰仗跟Valve的紧密合作可以专心做硬件,现在,HTC Vive已经赢得了很多消费者的认可,在很多田野调查和第三方统计数据里,HTC Vive已经超越Oculus Rift成为消费者眼里最好的VR头显。

这对于HTC这家命运多舛的手机制造商显然是一个无比美妙的事情。HTC在手机行业的快速陨落已成为不争的事实,如果用一个词来形容,它目前只是在“苟延残喘”。庆幸的是,HTC敏锐地抓到了VR这根救命稻草,它虽然是后来者,但其取得的成绩已经很可观。2月29日,HTC Vive开启全球预售,不到10分钟,其预订即超过15000台。


另外,HTC Vive当前在HTC董事长王雪红心里要比手机重要,她每次露面必谈HTC Vive。一个未经HTC官方证实的细节是,在公司内部,当你跟她汇报手机业务相关的工作时,她不愿意听,但你跟她谈VR、谈Vive头显,她则非常兴奋。



面对亏损,HTC将希望寄托于VR上。HTC首席财务官张嘉临此前曾表示,HTC Vive将成为推动HTC盈利的新动力。王雪红也在会议上描述了VR的美好前景。王雪红进一步表示,公司的重组仍然在继续,公司还在寻找新业务,比如VR和智能手表。




1.拆分后有利于整体估值的提高,有利于投资者更加客观地给予HTC VR业务的估值,甚至其VR的估值高于母公司的估值也不是不可能,1+1>1,甚至1+1>2的道理是明显的。这一点可以参考国内著名的发布会公司乐视的操作规范;

2. HTC给外界的印象终归是一家智能手机公司,而智能手机已经成了HTC股价的硬伤,尽管HTC在VR上的利好或可提振其股价一时,但从长远来看并不能一直帮助其股价上升,从2015年2月份Vive头显发布以来HTC的股价跌跌撞撞的走势即可看出;

3.拆分后只要讲好VR这个故事(目前市场营销是HTC的硬伤),多开几场全球开发者大会,让市场上有HTC积极的声音,VR业务重现当年手机业务的辉煌不是不可能,目前唯一能与之抗衡的产品也只有Oculus Rift。


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