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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:23:47 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang Xiaoshan mother-daughter murder solved and suspects absconded, had tried to commit suicide

Zhejiang Xiaoshan mother-daughter murder solved and suspects absconded, had tried to commit suicide(浙江萧山母女被杀案告破,嫌犯潜逃时曾试图自杀)



Mother-daughter murder solved, Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Xiaoshan, Zhejiang, tried to commit suicide when the suspects fled | | murder _ news
Arrest warrant.
Police searched hid.
Police found clues.
Than the clue.
Surveillance of suspects.
Suspects were caught.

Original title: Xiaoshan North Hills mother and daughter killed the murder solved! Suspect was caught saying the word ... ...

On May 31, 9:20, call: Xiaoshan north main two bodies were found on the mountain, one large and one small, small wonder as a child ... ... My friend climbing when he saw a lot of police there.

Journalist Zheng Yi obtain report: next to the Chapter House on the North mountain, he often climb. Seen in the mountain of the day, and is often climbed with him for a friend.

"He is at 8 in the morning, when climbing to the North through cable here, tonghui road near the location of the police. Field surrounding it, can see two dead bodies. "Said Mr climbers a lot of onlookers, but asking friends again, and nobody knows how it is. "Light from a size perspective, both a must be a child of the deceased, size small. ”

This situation, first time we did with the Xiaoshan police verification. Police have confirmed this situation. "When we were 31st at four or five o'clock in the morning and found two bodies. Two of the dead were women, mother and daughter, mother was 25 years old, daughter is 5 years old, who had stab wounds. "The police said, the day will soon confirm the identity of the mother and child, contacted the boy's father.

This family come from Guizhou province, Xiaoshan Street rental. Because of living near North mountain is not too far away, their whim, often trip up the mountain.

He said Mr Yang, he is now working in a garment factory, daughter by a former kindergarten teacher's wife at home. On May 30 of this year around 10 o'clock in the morning, Mr Yang was at work, received micro-wives said, she took her daughter to the northern mountains.

12 o'clock noon on the day, the family bought relatives watermelon, little sent the letter from Yang's wife and daughter back to, but it has not responded. Mr Yang calls in the past, and no one answered.

Wife is micro-man, also from people who do not do not answer the phone, still no news until the afternoon, Mr Yang was afraid. He called the police, mobilized relatives, villagers, went to North Hills looking for someone. Throughout the night, searching without success, until the next day before dawn when police call to ... ...

A few days later, outgoing on Twitter a arrest warrant for photos is a rail-thin, protruding ears, long hair pretty young man, wanted to write: "on May 30, 2016, I bei mountain, a vicious murder occurred. The investigation found Gao is suspected, fled when wound, upper waist. Please, May 30, from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, means drivers provide the clues of the North mountain range. ”

We also here at the Xiaoshan police, confirmed the authenticity of the arrest warrant. "But it wanted, the internal investigation was built according to taxi drivers ' groups, not foreign. "The police said.

Now a week past, this morning, the good news finally came. Xiaoshan police announced that "5.31" North Hills mother-daughter murder case, successfully cracked.

It is understood that the suspects are high, a day before the incident, just come to work from home to Hangzhou. Monitoring showed that at noon on May 30, he took a bus from the Xiaoshan in Hangzhou, Xiaoshan commercial city. Da Jiang Dong, also wanted to go after looking for a job, he halfway to see advertisements, just got out of the car. Didn't find the work into, downcast, he walked back to the Xiaoshan commercial city (here is near the North dry mountain), then up the Hill.

When police went to the mountain, and blood was found, estimated the suspects injured, pharmacy and jurisdictions communicate if informed in a timely manner.

Police dog followed, a few drops of blood in the North Hill next to a toilet, has found the scabbard and xieyi (later proved to be a suspect).

Blood stains were found in the toilet in the dark woods, and found a drop in the vicinity of men's shoes and insoles.

Last night, the suspect GAO to buy drugs, pharmacist Chen reports.

Yesterday evening, Mr Chen wives door to a disheveled man, hovered several times last bought a box of painkillers, left in a hurry.

Chen wife feels a lot like grids before civilian police suspect Yang Wei the picture and immediately notified her husband Chen Chen without suspects, but lost it on the way, he quickly called the police: "I found a suspicious person to the store for medicine, much like the......"

Subsequently, the suspects were found in the grass, arrested. When caught, suspects has been exhausted, it did not have the strength to continue to run, he had cornered self-mutilation self-harm behavior.

Last night, police caught the high at some point, he has whispered: "I kill, I kill people. "Currently the murder weapon has not been found, GAO said he was thrown in the mountains.

Establish time frames for the crime by the police, May 30, 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao and the mother and daughter met this time. Police say first, we did not know and, secondly, by a forensic identification has not been sexual abuse; and, third, combined with some work experience before, bad economic conditions, the possibility of robbery.

Autopsy results show that high a fierce struggle with mother and daughter, mother and daughter were unfortunate. Mothers of multiple knife, daughter of a knife and killed him. Before the suspect was caught high, picked up near the pesticides in the vegetable garden, drink it down. He tried to cut his wrists, the wound has not healed, still fester. He had a high fever, and drank pesticide, the body was in poor condition. After Gao was arrested, the police found him drinking pesticide bottles, found to be of low toxicity. Gao was caught saying: "I tried to escape, but the police are everywhere, not escape, I was too tired, die! "The current high in a rescue.

Suspect Gao, born in 1980, unmarried, unemployed, three theft convictions, long playing in the bar room of chess and card, undue hardship. Case high a ring, for its self-inflicted acts of self-mutilation, physical condition do not meet the normal review, and the motives and process details pending further screening.

City Express journalist Zheng Yi

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Zhejiang Xiaoshan homicide case

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浙江萧山母女被杀案告破 嫌犯潜逃时曾试图自杀|浙江萧山|命案_新闻资讯























  尸检结果证明高某和母女俩有过激烈的搏斗,但母女俩还是遭遇不幸。妈妈身中多刀,女儿一刀毙命。嫌疑人高某被抓前,捡了附近菜地里的农药,喝了下去。他还试过割腕自杀,伤口一直没有愈合,还化脓了。他一直高烧,加上喝了农药,身体状况很差。高某被抓后,民警找到了他喝的农药瓶,发现是低毒的。高某被抓后说:“我也想逃,可是到处是警察,逃不出去,我太累了,生不如死!” 目前高某还在抢救。


  都市快报记者 郑亿

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

浙江萧山 命案


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