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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:23:43 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping: _ and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and SINA news

XI Jinping: _ and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and SINA news(习近平:为构建中美新型大国关系而不懈努力_新浪新闻)



XI Jinping: and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and _ news

Original title: XI Jinping: and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and

XI Jinping to attend the eighth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of high-level consultation on cultural exchanges between China and a joint opening ceremony and keynote speech

Emphasized that Sino-US firm direction, persevere, and promote the development of a new type of relations between China and the construction of more and better benefit the two peoples and peoples

On June 6, President XI Jinping attended the meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, the eighth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue opening ceremony of the seventh round of high-level consultations on Sino-American cultural exchange and joint, and entitled the and make unremitting efforts to build a new type of relations between China and the important speech. Xinhua News Agency Ju Peng photography 

Xinhua Beijing June 6 Electric (reporter Liu Hua, and Zang Xiaocheng, and Liu Hongxia) President XI 6th attended in here here held of eighth round Sino-US strategy and economic dialogue and seventh round Sino-US Humanities Exchange senior consultations joint opening, and published entitled for building Sino-US new powers relationship and tireless efforts of important speech, stressed as world Shang maximum of developing countries, and maximum of developed and Qian two big economic body, Sino-US two should from two people and States people fundamental interests starting, courage to play, Move towards the construction of a new type of relations between China and direction.

XI pointed out that 3 years ago since I met with President Obama at annaboge Manor, the efforts of both sides, Sino-US bilateral cooperation at the bilateral, regional and global levels in many areas, and promote the development of bilateral relations score new achievements, have brought tangible benefits to both sides, but also contribute to peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. Sino-US cooperation the most fundamental revelation to us of the outcome is that both sides should insist on conflict confrontation, mutual respect, cooperation and win-win principle, unswervingly promote the construction of a new type of relations between China and. No matter how the international situation changes, we should stick to this principle, unwavering work.

XI Jinping stressed that now the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, social Informationization advancing national interests are closely linked. Zero-sum game, conflict has long been out-of-date, help each other, win-win cooperation to become demand of the times. China to enhance mutual trust. To prevent eye clouds to avoid strategic miscalculation, through regular communication, build strategic mutual trust. We want to actively promote the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. To uphold the principle of win-win philosophy, and constantly raise the level of cooperation. Present, we should focus on strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, with the parties concerned to push the Group of 20 leaders Summit to achieve positive results in Hangzhou, striving to reach an early and mutually beneficial and win-win China-us bilateral investment treaty, deepen bilateral cooperation in climate change, development, networking, nonproliferation, military, law enforcement and other exchanges and cooperation, enhance the two sides on major international and regional, as well as communication and coordination on global issues. We want to properly control differences and sensitive issues. China and the existence of some differences is normal, and the two sides are trying to solve or be regulated in a pragmatic and constructive attitude, as long as both sides follow the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, adhere to the assimilation of differences, Poly, and Sino-US relations will be able to avoid interference. We would like to strengthen communication and cooperation in Asia-Pacific Affairs. Broad arena of countries of the Pacific should not be a game, but should become inclusive cooperation platform. China Cheng Hui Rong's peripheral foreign policy concept has always been committed to promoting Asia-Pacific peace, stability, and development. China and have broad common interests in the Asia-Pacific region, should maintain a continuous dialogue, greater cooperation, tackle challenges, strive to cultivate their common rather than exclusive "ring of friends", all builders and guardians of the prosperity and stability of the region. We want to spread thick friendship between our two peoples. Both sides should build a more platforms for exchanges between all and provide more convenient, friendly Sino-US torch, generation after generation.

XI Jinping pointed out that this year marks the implementation of the "Thirteen-Five" plan starting year. We are confident for China's economic and social development goals. China will provide more opportunities for the world, will join include the United States, closer cooperation among countries in the world.

XI stressed that China must unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development and advocates build win-win cooperation as the core of the new international relations. We are willing to strengthen cooperation with other countries, jointly safeguard the Charter of the United Nations purposes and principles at the core of the international order and the international system, and promote the development toward the direction of a more just and equitable international order.

XI noted that China-us strategic and economic dialogue and cultural exchange high level consultation mechanism to promote bilateral strategic mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation and deepen friendship between the two peoples has played an important role. As long as our firm and perseverance, we will be able to promote the development of a new type of relations between China and the construction of more and better benefit the two peoples and peoples.

United States President Barack Obama to the eighth round of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of high-level consultations on Sino-American cultural exchange sent a written speech. Obama said in his speech, the success of any party in the United States are each other's interests at stake. Past 7 years, the United States and work together to meet a series of important global challenges. Through the strategic and economic dialogue, the two Governments to work together on the world's most pressing economic and security problems. The economic dialogue will help foster cooperation, improve communication, and to better control their differences, to support and promote the development of bilateral relations. United States welcomes a stable, peaceful and prosperous China and play a role in World Affairs, and look forward to the United States and work together to meet global challenges. The United States and China each have a unique history and tradition, it is difficult to exactly the same, but we must continue to focus on common challenges, common interests and shared responsibility to build a bilateral relationship, and the maintenance and strengthening of the international system of mutual obligations. We must work hard to open up channels to further strengthen human bonds. I look forward to this year's September visit to China and XI Jinping continues to move forward in this important work.

Special Representative of the President of Vice Premier XI Jinping State Councilor Liu yandong, Vice Premier Wang, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and special representative of President Obama's Secretary of State John Kerry, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, attended the opening ceremony of the joint.

This high-level consultation on cultural exchanges between China and co-chaired by Liu and John Kerry. This round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue, respectively, by Wang Yang and co-chaired by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Kerry and Jacob Lew.

Responsible editor: Zhao akei

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  6月6日,国家主席习近平出席在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行的第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式,并发表题为《为构建中美新型大国关系而不懈努力》的重要讲话。新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄 

  新华社北京6月6日电(记者刘华、臧晓程、刘红霞)国家主席习近平6日出席在钓鱼台国宾馆举行的第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流 高层磋商联合开幕式,并发表题为《为构建中美新型大国关系而不懈努力》的重要讲话,强调作为世界上最大的发展中国家、最大的发达国家和前两大经济体,中美 两国应该从两国人民和各国人民根本利益出发,勇于担当,朝着构建中美新型大国关系的方向奋力前行。

  习近平指出,3年前我同奥巴马总统在安纳伯格庄园会晤以来,在双方努力下,中美两国在双边、地区、全球层面众多领域开展合作,推动两国关系发展 取得新成果,给双方带来了实实在在的利益,也有力促进了亚太地区及世界和平、稳定、发展。中美合作成果给我们最根本的启示就是,双方要坚持不冲突不对抗、 相互尊重、合作共赢的原则,坚定不移推进中美新型大国关系建设。无论国际风云如何变幻,我们都应该坚持这个大方向,毫不动摇为之努力。

  习近平强调,现在世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化深入推进,各国利益紧密相连。零和博弈、冲突对抗早已不合时宜,同舟共济、合作共赢成为时 代要求。中美要增强两国互信。要防止浮云遮眼,避免战略误判,就要通过经常性沟通,积累战略互信。我们要积极拓展两国互利合作。要秉持共赢理念,不断提高 合作水平。当前要着力加强宏观经济政策协调,同有关各方一道推动二十国集团领导人杭州峰会取得积极成果,全力争取早日达成互利共赢的中美双边投资协定,深 化两国在气候变化、发展、网络、防扩散、两军、执法等领域交流合作,加强双方在重大国际和地区以及全球性问题上的沟通和协调。我们要妥善管控分歧和敏感问 题。中美双方存在一些分歧是正常的,双方要努力解决或以务实和建设性的态度加以管控,只要双方遵循相互尊重、平等相待原则,坚持求同存异、聚同化异,中美 两国关系就能避免受到大的干扰。我们要就亚太事务加强沟通和合作。宽广的太平洋不应该成为各国博弈的竞技场,而应该成为大家包容合作的大平台。中国奉行亲 诚惠容的周边外交理念,始终致力于促进亚太和平、稳定、发展。中美在亚太地区拥有广泛共同利益,应该保持经常性对话,开展更多合作,应对各种挑战,努力培 育两国共同而非排他的“朋友圈”,都做地区繁荣稳定的建设者和守护者。我们要厚植两国人民友谊。双方要为两国各界交往搭建更多平台、提供更多便利,让中美 友好薪火相传、生生不息。




  美国总统奥巴马向第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商发来书面致辞。奥巴马在致辞中表示,美中任何一方的成功都攸关对方的利 益。过去7年来,美中携手应对了一系列重大全球性挑战。通过战略与经济对话机制,两国政府得以共同处理全球最紧迫的经济与安全问题。这些经济对话有助于双 方培育合作、加强沟通以及更好地管控彼此分歧,对两国关系发展起到了支持与推动作用。美国欢迎一个稳定、和平、繁荣的中国崛起并在世界事务中发挥作用,期 待着美中携手应对全球性挑战。美中两国各自拥有独特历史和传统,难以事事完全一致,但我们必须继续围绕共同挑战、共同责任及共同利益来构建双边关系,并承 担维护和加强国际体系的共同义务。我们还必须努力开辟渠道,进一步加强人文交往纽带。我期待今年9月访华时与习近平主席继续推进这项重要工作。





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