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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:23:39 Edit(编辑)
Wang Yang: next week put forward Chinese side of the Sino-US agreement on investment negative list

Wang Yang: next week put forward Chinese side of the Sino-US agreement on investment negative list(汪洋:下周提出中美投资协定的中方负面清单)



Wang Yang: next week put forward Chinese side of the Sino-US agreement on investment negative list

Starting in 2008, a bilateral investment agreement, 24 the current round of negotiations.

Bilateral investment treaty (BIT) crucial node.

On June 6, the eighth round of the China-us strategic and economic dialogue and the seventh round of Sino-US cultural exchanges held high-level consultations in Beijing. XI Jinping, Chinese President mentioned in his speech at the opening ceremony, to secure the early conclusion of mutually beneficial and win-win China-US agreement on investment, to create new economic and trade cooperation.

Reuters reported the same day, in the dialogue, held on the same day, Vice Premier Wang said, China will next week propose negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement from the Chinese side "negative list."

This schedule might slightly exceed expectations. At a forum held on June 5, United States Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said, have been waiting for, is also looking forward to seeing how China changes the negative list is going to be, "this strategic and economic dialogue may not, of course, but I hope to see it after the end of the near future. ”

We're not sure yet, made the case this is not the final version of the list.

However, the Ministry of Commerce surging on the news carefully, a researcher at the Institute of world economy (www.thepaper.CN), both for the opening of a negative list looks different, "just beginning to explore the negative listing management system in China, will open below the United States signed similar arrangements with other countries. ”

Starting in 2008, a bilateral investment agreement, 24 the current round of negotiations. Before that, the two sides have exchanged twice a negative listing. But China could not be submitted in March, the third edition of the negative list.

United States trade representative's Office said, the third exchange of negative lists would be an important milestone in the negotiations between the two sides.

Well also surging on news analysis, once the two sides agree on the negative list, that negotiations between China and the main obstacle to overcome, "but only if expectations for openness on both sides, or list of open content changes, neither of these two elements, if too many adjustments, that difficulty is still not small. ”

Liang Yanfen, Director of the Institute of world economy of Commerce surging News (www.thepaper.CN), the negative listing the parties most concerned, and foreign market access issues, including restrictions on equity ratio and so on.

Agreed on the negative list, or is in the area of investment, on Prohibitions or restrictions on foreign enterprises to enter the field, it will greatly facilitate the enterprises to invest in each other's countries.

For a long time, United States has hoped that China could cut more industries to foreign investment restrictions reduce the ban on foreign investment in industry, while the Chinese believe United States national security review has been to impose restrictions on the investment of Chinese enterprises on the grounds.

This year March, Boao Asia Forum during, Commerce Qian Minister Chen had on surging News said, Sino-US investment agreement negotiations fast to end, main core problem has end, currently is negative listing and bid stage, "everyone in negative listing Shang appeared has some differences, from first times bid to now, has is long time, now and out has new of (bid), than zhiqian greatly progress, we on United States also proposed has requirements. ”

Chen Deming said at the time, both in the negative list of economic areas do not have differences, but in terms of culture and value added telecommunications, remain to be solved.

Widely seen, this round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue is a critical window of time, since the second half of the United States general election will enter a critical phase, the foreign investment agreement negotiations will not be United States the focus of politics.

Jacob Lew said on June 5, in the Obama administration have left a few more months, is a very good chance, "we must redouble our efforts, I hope progress can be made, want to be able to walk away from the finish line closer. Because we can understand that, then there is a new Government, new people came to power, a new partnership was formed, there may be a period of time depends on the situation, Sino-US negotiations if progress would be good right now. ”

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-06 19:16:43


















(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-06 19:16:43

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