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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:23:33 Edit(编辑)
The PLA’s first aviation school 70 years

The PLA’s first aviation school 70 years(解放军第一所航空学校建校70周年)



The PLA's first aviation school 70 years

This picture from a news agency, video screenshots

Xinhua Beijing on June 6, 70 years ago, on June 6, the first Aviation School of the people's Liberation Army--"flight in the Northeast" of aircraft take to the skies for the first time, marking the army's air force began to form. Today, the growing air force used many forms of commemorating the history of the people, motivate the later did not forget the glory days, create new brilliance.

In 1946, the first aviation school Northeast democratic coalition--Aviation School (habit called "the old flight") in Jilin tonghua created. Early cultivation of the party a number of aviation backbone, army officers and soldiers, and the Japanese army uprising personnel of selected, under the harsh and dangerous conditions, with amazing perseverance and wisdom of tough business, developed over more than 560 aviation personnel.

The "people's air force fly from faltering to sailing, old spirit of flight is always leading the air force mission, more blue sky banner into leaping development of construction and new journey of transformation, the old spirit of flight is our great spiritual power! "Air force Party Committee recently issued a tribute to old comrades of the old flight wrote in his letter. For 70 years, people's air force has gone from the year of "horse-plane" "alcohol fuel" developed into a team of multidisciplinary, species composition for many of the modern high-tech services, and "the old spirit of flight" has always been regarded as precious heirlooms, and continue to be given new connotation and denotation.

Air force Aviation University hosted the activities to commemorate the old flight school 70 series. Has worked in flight in the Northeast, fighting and more than more than 80, former leader of the old comrades descendants came from country far, donated to the Aviation Museum at the University the year old flight predecessors used real pictures, books and historical relics.

Old flight first flight instructor, 99 years old Fang Huai, former Commander of the air force, a primary hero Wang personally for an anniversary inscription, and commissioned a donation. Over more than 2000 resistance with old flight on behalf of future generations of teachers and students sang the anthem, created for the old flight and air force veteran who make outstanding contributions, pay high tribute.

Over nine war hero Wang Tianbao air force Aviation University Memorial scene.

According to the Beijing News, over nine heroes commemoration of Wang Tianbao also came to the air force Aviation University, won waves of applause. Wang Tianbao was "the old flight" flight of three students, in the Korean example of creative piston aircraft shot down in air combat Jet, was awarded the principal work. "The old flight" 70 founding anniversary, the man contributed their masterpieces.

Old Wang Tianbao contributed their masterpieces.

In Beijing, the exploits of the air force test pilot, air force experts into schools tells the story of birth of the air force, opened a "dream start--2016 national aviation popular scientific cultural month" series began. At present, the colorful exchange of commemorative activities in Beijing South mill primary school, Beijing University, Jilin University, Nanchang hongdu primary school, University Road, Xian, enping city, Guangdong Province, Feng Ru Memorial primary school secondary school, mark primary school in Hangzhou, Chengdu, flying home science and Technology Museum. Next month, the air force will organize more science reporting and communication activities throughout the country, scheduled batch of large and medium cities, representatives of the units distinctive unit excellent campus, a strong military, of various forms and effective opening activities of the camp, let our young people face to face, zero-distance contact with air force pilots, experience camp life.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-06 22:15:18

本文图片均来自 中新社视频截图









  在北京,空军功勋试飞员、空军专家走进大中小学讲述空军诞生发展的传奇故事,拉开了 “追梦起航——2016全国航空科普文化月”系列活动的序幕。目前,丰富多彩的纪念交流活动已在北京南磨房中心小学、北京航空航天大学、吉林大学、南昌市洪都小学、西安市大学南路小学、广东省恩平市冯如纪念中学、杭州大关中学附属小学、成都飞翔家科技馆等开展。此后的一个月里,空军将在全国组织多场科普报告和交流活动,安排一批驻大中城市、兵种特色鲜明的部队优秀代表进校园、话强军,开展形式多样、富有实效的军营开放活动,让广大青少年面对面、零距离接触空军飞行员、体验军营生活。

(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-06 22:15:18

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