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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:23:26 Edit(编辑)
Sino-Vietnamese border mine clearance sacrifice the soldiers was approved as a martyr, level II order of merit

Sino-Vietnamese border mine clearance sacrifice the soldiers was approved as a martyr, level II order of merit(中越边境扫雷牺牲战士被批准为烈士,追记二等功)



Border mine clearance sacrifice the soldiers was approved as a martyr in level-two order of merit

Cheng Junhui photos before the Yunnan Provincial military commands for the photo

  Cheng Junhui (left) before going to Yunnan Provincial military minefields in search of mines for the photo
CNS, Kunming, June 6 (reporters Ma Qian and Yan Hao)-Cheng Junhui corporal Yunnan Provincial military mine clearance mine clearance of the headquarters team 3, 4th in the implementation of the Sino-Vietnam border mine clearance tasks, sacrificed in the process. 6th learned from the Yunnan military region, Cheng Junhui sacrifice, Yunnan Provincial military approved him as a revolutionary martyr, level II order of merit.
4th, 3 team has more than 60 degrees in slope of demining minefields to blast mine, then artificial search, Cheng Junhui initiative to the most dangerous part of the job. Engrossed as he ruled out when a mine fuzes, the mountain suddenly collapses, he fell from more than 30 meters deep. Presence of soldiers quickly Cheng Junhui rescue and sent to Yunnan province, Funing County, Wenshan Prefecture people's Hospital. 22:00, Cheng Junhui rescue invalid sacrifice.
22-year old Cheng Junhui, Chongqing long life of people. In December 2012, he enlisted in the army to a group of 14 army infantry brigade engineering company. Due to military and political quality is excellent, August 2014 joined the Communist Party of China, Jin elected to the end of Petty Officer after serving as Vice President. Last June, the mine-clearance tasks of the Sino-Vietnam border Yunnan province after deployment, application for his active fight, mine of Yunnan Provincial military mine clearance command became an Honorable soldier. Last November, the third large-scale demining operations of Sino-Vietnam border Yunnan province formally launched, Cheng Junhui and more than more than 400 comrades were ordered off, risked their lives to remove remaining mines on the Chinese side in the Sino-Vietnam border side.
Mine clearance operations, Cheng Junhui active mine clearance experts and the exemplary role of party members, without reservation to teach comrades mine-clearance techniques, always fighting in the most dangerous place, well received by soldiers and praise. The minefield of southern heat and humidity of summer, Cheng Junhui and his comrades wore a 14 kg heavy protective equipment every day, sweat at the minefields, dance with death. As of May 29, the mine clearance troops through blast mine and manual search methods, has swept area of 14 square kilometers of mined areas, remove all kinds of nearly 30,000.
(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-06 20:45:49
China News Network
中越边境扫雷牺牲战士被批准为烈士 追记二等功

图为程俊辉生前照片 云南省军区供图 摄

    图为程俊辉(左一)生前准备上雷场搜排地雷 云南省军区供图 摄
  中新网昆明6月6日电  (马骞 严浩)云南省军区扫雷指挥部扫雷3队下士程俊辉,4日在执行中越边境扫雷任务过程中光荣牺牲。记者6日从云南省军区获悉,程俊辉牺牲后,云南省军区批准他为革命烈士,追记二等功。
(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-06 20:45:49

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