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published in(发表于) 2016/6/5 7:43:12 Edit(编辑)
TV in China has been left out? Island too,

TV in China has been left out? Island too,(电视在中国已被抛弃?其实岛国也一样,)



TV in China has been left out? Island television-also, NICONICO-IT information

Related reading: the digital age, your TV really use? 》

IT information news phase more,, with with Internet and mobile Internet of more fast universal, past in TV before with play play FC game of hot scenes gone, this which not only is game content, and picture of reasons, computer, and intelligent phone, electronic equipment of universal also produced has larger of effect, that has many of users issued himself "is long no open TV seriously see had once has" of lamented, may TV just became a displayed screen just sooner or later of things.

So with our neighboring Japan, if things have changed? According to Japanese media reports, Japan media said they are less concerned about television, many people survive do not even buy TV, said in an interview a lot of Japan after the young man, the answer they gave was not to buy, that there is a reason "shows the same, there is no aspect".

In fact compared, many Japan-says his NICONICO retained more and more time on the Web site, in addition to program content than TV "personality", the Japan netizens said that besides the interactions, boring is a very important reason, "can be seen only on TV movies and weather".

May television really ought to be thinking about how to keep the hearts of young people over the next decade.

电视在中国已被抛弃?其实岛国也一样 - 电视,NICONICO - IT资讯


IT资讯讯 相较而言,伴随着互联网和移动互联网的较快普及,以往在电视面前一起玩玩FC游戏的火热场面一去不复返,这其中不仅是游戏内容、画面的原因,电脑、智能手机等电子设备的普及也产生了较大的影响,以至于有不少的网友发出自己“很久没有打开电视认真看过一次了”的感叹,或许电视只是成为一块显示屏幕只是迟早的事情。




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