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published in(发表于) 2016/6/5 7:43:08 Edit(编辑)
Tears! Peacekeepers killed Shen Liangliang, China finally friends......,

Tears! Peacekeepers killed Shen Liangliang, China finally friends......,(泪奔!中国遇难维和战士申亮亮最后的朋友圈……,)



Tears! Peacekeepers killed Shen Liangliang, China finally friends ... ...-Shen Liangliang, circle of friends-IT information

Mali 10:50 local time on May 31, car bomb attacks in the the United Nations troops in Mali, Chinese peacekeepers 1 died and 5 injured. Of the soldiers at the age of 29, rank of Sergeant, named Shen Liangliang.

After killed Shen Liangliang, CCTV military of the friends he made content and interaction with their families reported, Shen Liangliang stressed several times in a circle of friends with your family, not to mention with their mother in Mali's situation. After the attack, bright's brother again through letter when contacting Shen Liangliang, have no answer ... ...

This is the 11th year Shen Liangliang army, his father recalled, he said peace-keeping back when we got engaged. According to Shen Liangliang's old gang to say "he served next year, this might be his final year in the army. ”

Shen Liangliang, the young warriors in the new land, only let heroes, go all the way.

▲ Pictures from CCTV military

泪奔!中国遇难维和战士申亮亮最后的朋友圈…… - 申亮亮,朋友圈 - IT资讯






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