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published in(发表于) 2016/6/5 7:41:58 Edit(编辑)
ID is lost every day for two years to buy train tickets, man crashes,

ID is lost every day for two years to buy train tickets, man crashes,(身份证丢失两年天天被买火车票,男子崩溃,)



ID is lost every day for two years to buy train tickets, man crashes-the ticket-IT information

ID card lost, in two years ' time, Mr King never dreamed, despite the loss with a new card, but someone took his lost identity cards, everyday purchases of the same train from Xian to Shenmu in Yulin train tickets. Because ID be infringement, Wang failed to buy train tickets, bother.

Baoji, Mr Wang, 25, was one of the year, starting in 2014, each purchase of a train ticket is a painful experience. Yesterday the journalists, speaking of their ticket experiences, Mr Wang is devastated, but a kind of helpless.

Wang said that two years ago, when he Xian railway station to buy tickets back to Baoji, found his identity card will not purchase tickets, vending machine display identity cards has bought tickets for the K8170 time, conflict with the buying trip.

Wang thought that ticket machine is out of order, and lining up at the window, the result is still the same. Wang initially did not pay attention, when one after another, every purchase when you encounter such a situation, he felt fear.

? For every purchase of two years Mr Wang encounters a "ticket" trouble

Catch in the past two years have shown they have already purchased the same train tickets

Why would frequently appear such a thing? Mr WONG asks after the train station ticket Hall staff, learned that someone was using his identity card to buy train tickets. Wang carefully recalled that this may be related to their 2011 lost ID cards.

"In 2011, I will be on the bus ID is lost, then I go through the loss and replacement, new evidence has long hair down, by 2014, and such a thing has never occurred. "Wang says, in that it was frequently fraudulent use of his papers after purchasing the ticket, he deliberately consecutive order train tickets on the Internet in a week can be displayed all the time, his identity has bought tickets for the K8170 time.

A query is Wang K8170 train from Xian to Shenmu in Yulin. Wang said that in two years ' time, every 10 days or so, he will check your ticket information, results of each show, all I have bought a K8170 train ticket, it can be said every day people buy.

Pain every purchase of should they ran to the station

This experience makes Wang feel very painful. He said that due to reasons such as work, home, travel, himself in two years time, bought nearly 30 train tickets, each ticket can be said to be so much trouble.

"It means a lot to buy train tickets, Internet booking, sells tickets, window, ticketing, vending machines and so on, but I've got to go to the station ticket Hall of the officer on duty window, fill out a confirmation before you can purchase tickets. "Wang said that tickets sometimes nervous, have some tickets left in the view on the Web, but because fraudulent use of identity papers by others, he got off the flight from high-tech zone ride to the station, tickets sold out long ago. This experience was gruelling.

To prove his story, yesterday morning, Mr Wang to the train station and the press experience.

At a press conference, accompanied by Mr Wang first tested on the ticket vending machine, he chose to go to Hangzhou from XI ' an in different regions, such as night-time ticket, from yesterday until June 12, showed Mr Wang's identity cards has bought tickets for the K8170 time, conflict with the buying trip. Later, Wang and reporters in the test results window, same same.

Worried why people bought the same ticket every day? Who is using my ID card?

In two years, why would anyone continue to buy tickets for the same train? Who is stealing his ID? This become Wang's biggest question.

"So often buy tickets or the same train, and this is in the case of my not knowing, the only way to convince myself of the explanation is that, ID be fraudulent use of tickets by scalpers. "Mr Wong said," this is awful, tickets are now real-name system, and when you get the tickets and travel, also need to show your ID card original. This shows that fraudulent use of my identity, and not only has my personal information on identity cards, and hand and my original ID card. ”

"I'm holding my ID card, like a time bomb, do not know when it will get me into trouble. Do not know each other or use my ID to do what, there are no irregularities, will left me with a bad record, it makes me very uneasy. "To think of it, Wang could not help feeling back from the cool air.

But every purchase of should ID unlock

After all, ID ticket scalpers used Mr Wang? For such speculation, journalists and with Mr Wang to the station ticket Hall Chief on duty in Windows.

Reflects my not work properly after the purchase, staff first gave Mr Wang to the reports of the confirmation of the fraudulent use of identity information, asked him to fill.

This book wrote, "I confirm that the report card information being used to purchase the tickets, I committed to this report and purchase of identity information submitted is true and the false report is at your own risk. "For this book, Mr King said that he was familiar with, because every time they go out to buy tickets after the blockage, is such a process. If it is a large station, you can also go the process to solve, if the station, ticket office no Chief on duty in this window, he does not know who to deal with.

Which staff on duty told Xinhua, because tickets real-name system, Mr Wang's identity was used by others already bought tickets, as required in the case of schedule conflicts doesn't buy, fill out the confirmation of the role generally tell Mr Wang's identity card is unlocked. After unlocking, Mr Wang's identity, the normal frequency of trains needed to buy his tickets.

"Given the current ticketing system, does show June 12, Mr Wang's identity to buy a K8170 train ticket to Shenmu, after which there was no ticket information. "The staff member said, the current could do to solve the practical difficulties of passenger, but it does not completely solve the fraudulent use, it is recommended to reflect the situation of Public Security Department.

Police say second-generation card loss and replacement after the original license is still available

Journalists accompanying Mr King came to the police station located in station square, reflected this thing to the police on the one hand, on the other hand want to find reasons.

Police station police told reporters that while Mr Wang's identity after losing, loss, replacement has been done, but our country's citizen's identity card is not cancelled ... ID is different from ordinary phone card, not after the loss with a replacement, the card can no longer be used. After the second generation ID card is lost, even with a replacement (the loss), the original ID card will continue to function, can be used for ticketing, accommodation, bank cards, phone cards, etc.

"Mr Wang this situation can only be found as soon as possible fraudulent use of ID information of his people. "The police told reporters that the Police Bureau within the system can be found in the second generation ID card has been lost, banks, carriers, such as card units, in scan cards can't see the loss of information. This is why now have a lot of loss, illegal trade in stolen ID card over the network, and has been widely used to engage in the bank card, credit card, cover for fraud, money-laundering and other reasons.

Counsel reminds the identity loss is necessary to make a statement in the newspaper

After ID is lost, if abused by unlawful elements engaged in illegal activities, the parties do to discharge? Zhirui law firm-in-law told reporters that the People's Republic of China resident identity cards Act article 17th, "taking in other people's identity cards by the public security organs between below 1000 Yuan and 200 Yuan fines, or detention of between 10th and has illegally obtained, confiscation of illegal proceeds".

What lawyers say, ordinary citizens, there would be punishment too light compared with its negative social impact. So the first thing the general public should keep their own identity cards, lost time after replacement procedures, if not for the replacement procedures and the ID card is used by others to engage in criminal activity, because it is more difficult to define the ID card is used by myself or others to risk, may also be legally liable.

What the lawyer suggested, notwithstanding Declaration to public security departments for the loss and replacement of identity cards by members of the public should also be authoritative newspaper ID card declared lost. "Not only can prevent lost to a replacement ID card to be liability arising from fraudulent use, can also be in the future if someone fraudulent use of identity papers to produce economic, property and other disputes or crimes, and so on, to prove innocence, to protect their interests against loss. ”

身份证丢失两年天天被买火车票,男子崩溃 - 火车票 - IT资讯

































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