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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:49:38 Edit(编辑)
Dong mingzhu, if Lei cleared 1 billion sweepstakes, I go to poverty alleviation,

Dong mingzhu, if Lei cleared 1 billion sweepstakes, I go to poverty alleviation,(董明珠:如果雷军兑现了10亿赌金,我就去扶贫,)



Dong mingzhu, if Lei cleared 1 billion sweepstakes, I go to poverty reduction-Dong mingzhu, Lei-IT information

In recent days, said Chairman Dong mingzhu of gree group at Tsinghua University to participate in activities, if Lei to deliver 1 billion, I would go for poverty alleviation. In December 2013, CCTV "2013 China economic person of the year award", the Lei bet to the Dong, "said millet 5 years turnover can't beat green, himself a dollar lost to Dong. "Dong is not a sign of weakness, and directly contradict Lei and alluding to focus only on marketing companies to rapid development, also fired back, saying" don't mention it for a dollar, betting bet 1 billion. ”

At Tsinghua, Dong mingzhu, believes that entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector, if the heart is filled with consumers, believe that Chinese consumers will not go abroad to buy rice cookers. In Japan, gree cooker once and Japan rice cooker do comparison. Consumer tastes, gree electric rice cookers than Japan is good and more importantly, gree nutrition than Japan rice cooker better. But the reality is: China's manufacturing was recognized in the world as synonymous with low quality and low price.

Dong mingzhu, gree started an assembly plant, is the true traditional enterprises. No innovative enterprises is the traditional enterprises. Money earned is strength, make is technology. Gree has more than 8,000 technicians and did not worship, all personnel are not foreign education, they are graduate students in China, gree developed. Talent first of all, the most important are ethics and accountability. There are many manufacturing companies in China failed to go, facing bankruptcy, a shortage of is on the system, lack of talent.

Dong also said that she had psychological tests, their mental age is only 25 years old. But always keep a positive, strong heart, will be able to lead such a business, learn, create welfare for their employees so that they bring more benefits for China and the world. So, she continues to preach the "made in China" on the road to go down, made in China, and for China's technical sound.

董明珠:如果雷军兑现了10亿赌金,我就去扶贫 - 董明珠,雷军 - IT资讯





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