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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:40:39 Edit(编辑)
Henan Chamber of Commerce Vice President Wang triad, both sentenced to death

Henan Chamber of Commerce Vice President Wang triad, both sentenced to death(河南总商会原副会长王华涉及黑社会,终审被判死刑)



Henan Chamber of Commerce Vice President Wang triad, both were sentenced to death penalty | wanghua | |-related _ news

Original title: Henan Chamber of Commerce Vice President Wang Hua-related Court of final appeal was sentenced to death

Zhengzhou, China Youth online, June 4 (reporter for the China Youth Daily ? Green online POON LAM) reporter was informed that the Henan provincial higher people's Court on June 3 in Henan Chamber of Commerce Vice President Wang Hua and 19 gangland-related cases the Court of Final Appeal ruled that maintained the first-instance death sentences on principal Wang Hua and Sun Peiguo, another defendant received a suspended death sentence, imprisonment and so on.

On March 31, 2015, the newspaper based on the "red Merchant" suspected of hiring people to set fire with impunity under the title, Wang, who related a case was reported on August 11, 2015, the newspaper and the "Henan top charity Ambassador" mafia was sentenced to death under the title followed the case. Wang Hua-related issue of social concern, because many involved, the complexity of the case, in addition, luohe city, Henan province, Wang has held before the Crime Committee of the CPPCC Standing Committee, Federation Vice-Chairman, Henan, Henan province post such as Vice Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce.

March 24, 2015, Hebi intermediate people's Court a trial public court trial accused Wang, 19 people involved black case, was control charges including suspected organization, and led, and participate in triad nature organization crime, set fire to crime, gambling crime, opened Casino crime, deliberately hurt crime, belligerent trouble crime, extortion crime, damage production business crime, traffic accident crime, shield crime, harbouring crime, 11 items charges, indictment allegations 31 up illegal crime facts. Trial lasted 5 days and end on March 28.

19 defendants involved in the case, among several ex-things, and some local government officials.

Court a trial judgment accused Wang made organization, and led triad nature organization crime, and set fire to crime, crime, combined punishment for several crimes, decided implementation death penalty, deprived civil lifelong, and at confiscated personal all property; accused Sun Peiguo made participate in triad nature organization crime, and set fire to crime, crime, combined punishment for several crimes, decided implementation death penalty, deprived civil lifelong, and at fine 100,000 yuan; accused Sun Peichao made set fire to crime, and deliberately hurt crime, combined punishment for several crimes, decided implementation death penalty, suspended II years implementation, deprived civil lifelong. Miao Huiju, 16 other defendants were sentenced to 15 years, 10 years 6 months and 2 years of penalties applied to three of the defendants on probation.

After a trial, Wang Hua, Sun Peiguo part defendant appeals.

From February 1, 2016 2nd, Hebi city, Henan provincial higher people's Court in a public hearing the accused Wang and others organizing, leading and participating in mafia-style crimes such as appeal.

Hebi city, Henan provincial higher people's Court according to law to maintain intermediate people's Court of organizing, leading and participating in mafia-style organizations, arson, sentenced Wang Hua, Sun Peiguo death penalty of intentional injury, and other defendants the verdict of death sentence, imprisonment and other penalties, and Wang Hua, Sun Peiguo death sentences reported to the Supreme People's Court review.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Wang Hua to death gangland

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China Youth daily


  中青在线郑州6月4日电(中国青年报·中青在线记者潘志贤) 记者今天获悉,河南省高级人民法院6月3日对河南总商会原副会长王华等19人涉黑案终审宣判,维持一审对主犯王华和孙培国的死刑判决,其他被告人被判死缓、有期徒刑等。








责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

王华 死刑 涉黑


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