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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:40:27 Edit(编辑)
Expert: next 5 years China will become the world’s first social enterprise power

Expert: next 5 years China will become the world’s first social enterprise power(专家:未来5年中国将成为世界社会企业第一大国)



Expert: next 5 years China will become the world's first social enterprise country | | powers _ social enterprise news

Chinese investment in social enterprise and social Union (hereinafter referred to as "Social Enterprise Alliance") the narada Foundation, Chairman of the Executive Committee Xu Yongguang, Director of social enterprise-related issues. Zhang Yanling of China network camera

China NET, June 4 (Xinhua Zhang Yanling) "within the next 5 years, China will become the world's first social enterprise country. Who will take the pension, health, education, environmental protection, waste disposal, and domestic services industry, who will be the social enterprise opportunities to win. "On June 3, the Chinese investment in social enterprise and social Union (hereinafter referred to as" Social Enterprise Alliance ") Chairman of the Board, Xu Yongguang, Director of the narada Foundation, said in Beijing.

What is social enterprise? In this regard, China Social Enterprise Alliance Executive Committee member, expressed by public welfare Foundation Vice President Lu Jingkai billion, social enterprise must be the enterprise, taking into account the social and social mission, using business methods to solve social problems, is sustainable, forward-looking development models, and can be copied, to be more open and transparent than any commercial company. Social enterprises in China in line with the country's "public venture much innovation," "double-hit" feature is the "cake" bigger and not exclusive, to allow more people to participate.

Social enterprises have many issues to discuss, such as do you want certification, whether dividends, whether you need tax-free, to this, Xu Yongguang believes that social enterprises do not need certification, also do not need a tax-free, but dividends.

"Old-age, medical, education, environment, organic agriculture, food security, community development and other industry and Government tax incentives are interleaved, for agriculture, environmental protection and other enterprises are exempt. Companies in these industries, the Government is encouraging, so duty-free meaningless. "Xu Yongguang explained.

For dividends, he United Kingdom social enterprise to illustrate. United Kingdom society corporate bonus can not exceed 35%, this requirement for United Kingdom social enterprise into a "financial black hole", profit-sharing restrictions affect the investor's enthusiasm, seriously affected the normal operation of social enterprises. Last year, the United Kingdom cancelled "bonus does not exceed 35%" requirement. In addition, the United States's social enterprise dividends without restriction. "The bonus is something shareholders, not to define it. ”

Xu Yongguang, China enterprise market as a "target", close to the target of 8 to 9 companies are often close to the social enterprise category, while 10 companies is the most classic of social enterprise. 8 enterprises are enterprises with a conscience, with social responsibility, strategic public interest throughout the industry chain. Such as the Internet to promote shared economic enterprises, 8 companies are high-tech enterprises, is the potential of social enterprise. 9 companies usually do industries encouraged by the Government, is to promote reform of the supply side of the industry, is closer to social enterprise businesses.

Currently there are some mature social enterprise in China, such as concern for the gay light blue company. "Pain point for addressing social needs of society social enterprise of the enterprise is qualified, who will take the pension, health, education, environmental protection, waste disposal, and domestic services industry, who is going to win. The next 5 years, China will become the world's first social enterprise country. "Xu Yongguang said.

It is understood that the Chinese enterprises Union and social investment will be held in Beijing from June 24 to June 25 the second annual Conference, on the theme "looking for social enterprise in China". Annual meeting is designed to build support for social enterprises in China and the development of social investment Exchange platform to encourage attention to this industry are able to direct dialogue and cross-border cooperation.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Social Enterprise power

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  中国社会企业与社会投资联盟(简称“社企联盟”)执委会主席、南都公益基金会理事长徐永光介绍社会企业相关问题。中国网 张艳玲 摄









责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

社会企业 大国


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